An Elder Told Me.... Many To Be Disfellowshipped Soon...

by Doubtfully Yours 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Very funny, Tammy.

    I wished it worked that way. Sadly, though, we're the egg and the WTBTS is the rock.

    The best we can do is leave. I can't hardly wait 'til I muster up the courage to do so.


  • jula71

    You and me both DY

  • Dansk

    Hey Arthur,

    Well if nothing else, we'll be able to come from behind these obscured avitars. I'm tired of being affraid to show my face.
    Obscured avitars nothing! That's really my ugly mush to the left!! I decided a long time ago that I wasn't about to duck and dive from an organisation that has caused so much pain and anguish. I understand why so many here are afraid to come out into the open (e.g. family/friends still in) but I really can't be anything else but open and frank. Fear is Watchtower's greatest weapon. Without that weapon it is weak and crumbly. I look forward to the day when everyone publishes their photograph here - it'll be JWD's Rogues Gallery! Ian

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    As much as I'd like to post my beautiful mug, I don't think I'll ever post my picture in the internet.

    You all will just have to meet me when I gather up the courage and adventurous resolve to attend an apostafest.

    Well, anyway, not to get off the subject, this elder I was telling you all about has heavy Bethel connections. Like 5 months prior to the pioneering hours changing he had already told a group of us about it, and sure it enough. He also told us 4 or 5 months ago that the Awake magazine would be cut back, and look it just came true! At the meeting where the Awake magazine stuff was announced he said it won't be too long before the Watchtower magazine follows in this trend. So, why would he just be talking trash now? I don't think so. If something hasn't come out yet, it will.


  • candidlynuts

    if i'm df'd i might reveal my congregation, maybe part of my name but i doubt i'd ever post a pic of myself.. you all will just have to use your imaginations

  • Flash


    this elder I was telling you all about has heavy Bethel connections.

    I believe you, your experiance shows he has a record of having correct advanced information. It looks like the time is coming soon when all of us non-conformists will be DF'd...So be it. I'm interested to see what anouncements are made at the DC this summer.

    It will no doubt be a GB member who gives the talk and the announces the new policy.

    Here is a photo taken during an early rehersal of this years convention. As you can see a GB member is being escorted to the platform.

  • Flash
    if i'm df'd i might reveal my congregation, maybe part of my name but i doubt i'd ever post a pic of myself..

    The day I'm DF'd my photo will go up.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Maybe it will be a new line-item on the annual report.

    % Increase in those Df'd for weakness

    % Increase in those Df'd for wickedness

    % Increase in those Df'd for drifting

    % Increase in those Df'd for fading

    % Increase in those Df'd for inactivity

    % Increase in those Df'd for meeting inattendance

    % Increase in those Df'd for low contributions

    % Increase in those Df'd for low hours

    % Increase in those Df'd for not marking the paragraphs at the watchtower study

    % Increase in those Df'd for not commenting at the watchtower study

    % Increase in those Df'd for thinking independently

    This may be the new way to 'get the numbers up'


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    If the WTBTS is so concerned with numbers and $$$, taking this clean-up approach will hurt them in a big way.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Doubtfull - some things just need to self-destruct... maybe this is one that will....[hoping out loud]


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