An Elder Told Me.... Many To Be Disfellowshipped Soon...

by Doubtfully Yours 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • catchthis
    The body of elders will want to discuss how they can help those who have become inactive during the past few years. (Matt. 18:12-14) The secretary should check the Congregation?s Publisher Record cards and make a note of all those who have become inactive.

    ROTFLMFAO!! "Making a note" is about all they might do. They might discuss something, but acting on it is another matter. I was inactive for years and still attending, but they didn't say boo about it to me.

  • codeblue


    All the more reason to NEVER give them your cards.

    If you made the mistake like me and hubby and TRIED out the KH and faded (our cards were never sent) would be a good reason to RELOCATE and never mention you have been a JW.

    I am sick of this supposed Christlike attitude of the JW's.... they are spending more effort on harming people then helping them.

    The JW's are like "Hotel California" can check out, but you can never leave......(with out them damaging your character)


  • Swan

    And we will be here to welcome them and offer them our kindest support when it happens. This may have worked decades ago when disfellowshipping was the Watchtower's version of the Tower of Babel. They used it for scattering us and keeping us from communicating, networking, and organizing with each other back then... but we have the Internet now.


  • lazyslob

    I have no idea where my card is. The last hall I was in doesn´t exist anymoore. I was there like 3 times totally. That was around 1988 or something. I´ve moved like 10 times since then and haven´t been in any hall after that. The cong I was in last time doesn´t exist either so even if I would like to be active again I wouldn´t know who to contact.

  • Gretchen956
    "you have no power here. Be gone; before someone drops a house on you....."

    bwaaahaaahaaa ---too funny!

    I would LOVE them to find me!

  • minimus

    You can't "give them your cards". The card belongs to the congregation.......not you!

  • Mulan

    I guess that means us!

    Today I purposely left the house before 9:30 and came home after lunchtime, to avoid the Memorial invite. But no one had come. I'm sure they would have left something in my door.

    Oh well, they gave up on us a long time ago.

  • Flash


    An elder told me the book is Jehovah's latest provision to cleanse his Organization.

    He said soon all people that have drifted, inactives, and others baptized and not complying with the Biblical mandates for a JW, will be visited and given an option to shape up or ship out.

    He said that if the person refuses the help offered by the congregation they'll be notified of the date of disfellowshipping and given time to appeal the decision.

    If this does not happen now I believe it will most certianly happen in the future, I am convinced of that. I have believed for some time that the GB Nazis in their quest for a Master Race of True Christians would eventualy 'eliminate' all the flawed and impure from the True Believers. They will turn the Christian worship of Jehovah into a Ultra Right Fanatical Religion where anyone who does not worship the Golden Image of their personal beliefs will be thrown into the fiery furnace. I also believe there are more people today approved of God outside the Organization than inside! I believe the state of God's people during Jesus time is being repeated today! Matthew 9: 35 and 36 also Matthew Chapter 23.

  • SheilaM

    To any JW that darkens our door, WE WILL SUE YOU.

  • Effervescent

    Somehow I think that Elder was just stroking his already overinflated ego and drooling over his imagined future power over peoples lives. Ugh... screw em.

    I haven't been contacted by anyone from my old congregation, and its the same one my father (Mr. Super Elder) still goes too. He doesnt have my address (for good reason!) but Im sure he could find out through the rest of the family. I think if they insituted this I would be the first to find out. It might be my days are numbered. All I can say is.... Bring It

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