An Elder Told Me.... Many To Be Disfellowshipped Soon...

by Doubtfully Yours 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 95stormfront
    the cong accepts the decisions of jc because they presume that elders are trained and therfore qualified to handle them..but they arent...which is why i would recommend that any jw that makes a mistake would be better off suffering a guilty conscience for however long it takes rather than suffer at the hand of inept elders who will only prolong the agony if not do even more serious damage.

    Very interesting.....never thought of that. But, it's certainly in line with the WT desire to always protect itself and leave the elders hanging out to dry as "untrained volunteers".

  • willyloman

    tijkmo: Your comment about elders not getting any training and being inept judges in the vast majority of cases is accurate. And, yes, it is remarkable that the WTS is totally disinterested in improving the situation. I agree completely that the change in the OM book is precisely what you suggest -- an easy way to cover their a** without doing any of the hard work it would take to bring even a modicum of justice ot the kangaroo court system now in place. This is, indeed, all the proof one needs that God's spirit is not operational on this organization,

  • sandy

    We have heard this scare tactic time and time again. Truthfully, does it scare any of you, even a little? I must admit that it takes me back to that old feelong of "maybe they are right" But then I think about it a little longer and a little harder and once again find peace of mind. Religion has no hold on me and never will again. If I must answer to a higher power at some point, I am not afraid. I am a good hearted person with respect for all walks of life.

  • stevenyc

    For anyone has read the bible, and follows its teachings, they will know one thing; the decision does NOT rely on men as to any kind of salvation, whether those proclaimers are individuals, a religion, or sect.
    The Christian scripture is, in part, a definition of the dismantlement of, Jewish Law, tradition, and the requirement of following a sociable structure or organization. If God has a problem with you, He or Jesus (depending on your interpretation) is going to be your reckoning.
    When an organization tells you ?join us or die? alarm bells should be ringing in your ears.
    If this really is a new direction from the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania then it is scare mongering, and a very malicious one at that.


  • blondie

    I don't it is going to be easy to find 3 elders that will be willing to consider an inactive person a DA candidate. Too many have friends and relatives in the category. It is hard enough to not have contact with DF'd friends and familly than to impose the same sanction just because people don't come to meetings or turn in time.

    What happens if people come to the meetings, but don't turn in time. I knew JWs like that over the years. Came to every meeting, but never turned in a time slip. It baffled the elders.

    I'm not saying that some congos will have some hard-hearted elders who will relish this.

    Just remember that inactive people are already "off the books," that is, not counted in the numbers that go to New York.

  • avengers
    Re: An Elder Told Me.... Many To Be Disfellowshipped Soon...

    Lookin' forward to this.

    all you need is love, love, love, love.

  • Scully

    I don't know why, but all of a sudden I'm thinking of the attack of the Blue Meanies (of Yellow Submarine infamy):

  • Sunspot

    ~~~ I am talking with youth groups in various religious denominations and community organisations about the dangers of cults to young people and how they can effectively witness to young JW's about the true prophet, Jesus.

    Honesty---good for you!

    ~~~Truthfully, does it scare any of you, even a little? I must admit that it takes me back to that old feelong of "maybe they are right"

    Sandy---I guess a lot of people go through this feeling. I didn't. As I began to see all the hypocrisy, lies, double dipping and unscriptural practices of the WTS---there was NO doubt in my mind that they were the "truth" that they claimed to be. I was a very strong JW, and it took about six months of researching nonJW sites to then become a very strong exJW! The longer I'm out, the more I'm learning about how treacherous THEY are.

    ~~~For anyone has read the bible, and follows its teachings, they will know one thing; the decision does NOT rely on men as to any kind of salvation, whether those proclaimers are individuals, a religion, or sect.

    Steve, don't you find it amazing how many times we read Psalms 146:3, and ALWAYS thought it referred only to "other" religions? I still shake my head over that one.


  • cyborgVision

    Hell that means I?ll soon become fully-fledged member of this forum, lol

  • Cygnus

    This reminds me of how 7-8 years ago I was told of the atrocities found in the FLOCK book....... and I didn't see them or anything that I didn't really already know. The WT and KM has been pretty clear about how to treat inactive ones, I don't think you'll see them get DF'd. If anything they'll do what they did to me and print an article about how biblical it is to snitch on people.

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