Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • sf

    {{{ tight hugs }}}

    Love, sKally

  • bebu

    Thanks for the update, Mario. It's always great when we hear from you.

    That is a very interesting episode you watched on Dateline. I didn't see it, but from just the bare-bones of it, it sounds like you are onto something. Very helpful information indeed. I have a neighbor whose ex-daughter-in-law has done the exact same thing--alienation/charging the husband with sexual abuse. (After 8 years, it is finally resolving right now... it's a mess, but it's turning a corner for everyone.)

    I hope you are able to get to the library frequently for job search, etc. If you find a good prospect in another location (WARMER location!), I say go for it! Of course, timing might make it hard with all the court things and divorce proceedings. I hope that these will get sped up for you.

    Thanks for thinking of us, for not keeping us out of your loop.


  • angelkins


    I am always happy to see you post. Thank you for the update. I continue to send you loving and healing energy.


  • Bryan


    How wonderful to hear from you again!

    One step forward gets you closer to the peacefulness you deserve.

    Best regards,


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Aude_Sapere

    Mario -


    I saw that Dateline program. Interesting how it was done. All slanted towards the mother's view and the daughter's take on her life and feelings and memory of her dad. Then the last 10 minutes was the father's side. And his letter to his daughter that he read outloud.

    Time will help Marina to learn the truth about things. Time will help you heal to the point that everything is not the struggle that is now.

    Know that we care. You are in our hearts more often than you might imagine.

    Post when you can. It warms our hearts as much as it helps to heal yours.



  • bem

    (((((Mario))))) Great to hear from you! I've been offline for several days and reading your up-date was great. Knowing your able to keep us informed of how your doing is encouraging.

  • Narkissos

    Thanks for the updates Mario.

    Following this thread and thinking of you from afar,


  • Emma
    I want to be a baby again and have my parents take care and make all these problems go away.

    Mario, I've been through problems where I've felt this, too. It's now immature but a natural reaction to immense stress and difficulties. You are getting through it at your own pace.

    Be well,


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hi Family:

    I wanted to post some updates about the criminal case. The arraignment was postponed and continued until May 12, 2005. This was a special request by the public defender's office, who has assigned a new attorney to the case (Jane McElroy). Apparently, the previous defender asked to be released from the case.

    As far as the continuing divorce case, that is continued again for further hearing on May 24, 2005. So, both cases are proceeding along, sometimes smoothly, and sometimes dragging behind the slow-moving wheels of justice in this very corrupt little state of RI.

    Other than the court cases, I am busy cleaning the house at Ophelia Street (which is currently for sale "as is" with fire and smoke damage). The divorce court assigned a neutral realtor to sell the house ASAP in order to expedite liquidation and settlement of the "marital assets".

    In Rhode Island, there are no community property laws in effect, thus, whenever any party files a divorce petition, the court immediately places all marital assets in an "injunctive state". This means neither party is free to sell or liquidate anything until the court decides the disposition of such property.

    So, the reason I am explaining this is because only Tonya was listed on the mortgage and deed. Afetr the fire, she was temporarily deemed incompetent and could not execute any legal agreements. So, I was not able to acquire the house or sell it until Judge Murray (RI family Court) finally appointed a temporary guardian and custodian to represent Tonya in the divorce proceedings so the case could move forward.

    I had to write several letters to my attorneys and the court reminding them that due to the fire I lost my employment, could not collect benefits, and was being supported by family and friends. I had to remind them that I am trying to gain custody of my daughter, salvage a broken family and regain resources I was denied access to for several years.

    Judge Murray got moving when I explained that if the court did not seize the house, the bank would by foreclosure and no one, not even the attorneys would get paid since I am still broke and without bank accounts, employment or assets to liquidate.

    Fortunately, Judge Murray promised to prevent any foreclosure and my attorneys per court order are working with Chase Manhattan mortgage to keep them at bay. You see, I tried to continue paying the monthly mortgage and taxes, even though I was ejected by Tonya. I was supporting two households by myself and trying to keep the girls education intact.

    Hopefully, after liquidation, the bank will be paid off, the tax collector will be paid off and the attorneys. I am hoping that something will be leftover for me to attempt to start a new life with Marina.

    Marina is doing well in school and is relatively happy. I pick her up very early on Sunday mornings and she joins me in football (soccer) with my international friends. For years, I played in different leagues in the area. Now, I play in a mixed league and Marina has all of my defensive and goalkeeping skills.

    She is great and incredibly helpful, eager to please, accomodating, humble, servient, and loving. If any of you ever meet her, you will come away with the impression that she is definitely the type that always get taken advantage of for being too nice in today's world. Everyone admires her and hopes she can avoid trouble at the same time.

    She has my core personality but is physically a typical Fuller family member. She is much lighter than I am and is shaped like Tonya.

    Well, that is all of the news that I have for now. Thank you all for your love and support. I miss posting on a regular basis and hope to get back to normal ASAP.


  • LittleToe

    Great to hear from you, Mario, even if things aren't perhaps going as smoothly as they might.

    You continue in our thoughts and prayers

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