Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • bem

    I have never had the promotion of the wts strike me as so false, as it is now, to think the Man would use this precious little girls memorial service to promote and try to justify himself snd his religion, is so hateful. And to disreguard your wishes Mario, I am so sorry that you were put threw that this way. at such a time.

    We grieve with you, Dorothy

  • bebu


    Thanks so much for those details about the service.

    That is astonishingly crass behavior for a grandparent. THANKS for redeeming Talia's service from his words. (applause icon here!)


  • czarofmischief

    I have a great deal of sympathy for you. I cannot say I feel your pain. But I can try to understand some of it. This is unimaginable. My czarina also sends her deepest sympathies.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I have a feeling that Talia's greatest wishes will be answered in a few days. I just *feel* it. Just keep your heart open. I just have the feeling that someone that she would have dearly loved to talk to will call you in a bit of a while.... I really, really believe it.

    Meanwhile, you and your family are in my heart and I think of you every day.

    Country Girl

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    ((((((((((Mario))))))))) we both wish you peace......I am sorry that the dubs acted like such asses at such a moment.

  • kj


    I don't even know what to say. I can't believe your ex father-in-law could be so thoughtless and self serving and to not even mention his own granddaughter by name while speaking in memory of her. I'll bet that even some of the JWs that were there applauded what you had to say. If I were a JW, I would be ASHAMED to let someone like that represent me. He gives them all a bad name, that is just sick. I'm so sorry you had to put up with that crap, and I really admire you for how you handled it. Talia would have been proud. We are all very proud of you. Please take care of yourself and keep letting us all know how you're doing. You are thought of and prayed for often.


  • acsot

    Mario, thank you so much for posting. Fuller's comments were despicable, but you turned his own words against him. I'm sure everyone there is well inoculated against any JW virus that comes along knocking on their door, thanks to you and how you defended your dear little Talia.

    for Talia andMario andMarina.

  • Mystery

    Hello Mario -

    Just dropping in to check on you. You are still in our thoughts and our prayers.


  • lisaBObeesa

    Thinking of you....

  • Shakita

    Dear Mario,

    You wrote:

    He rambled about how his daughter never had any mental problems when she left his house 18 years ago (he didn't mention the mental problems two of his siblings have been treated for, and his own mother-in-law, nor did he mention that Tonya never left his house 18 years ago---he threw her out for winding up on a committee case).

    Basically, he made a jackass of himself and the crowd knew it. Some grandfather to Talia! He never mentioned her name in his diatribe. He never mentioned her sititng on his lap, her playing with his hair or touching his tools. No, he couldn't help but mention Jehovah's Witnesses and talk about religion on her last few minutes in public.

    Fortunately for Talia, several journalists (I invited them out of instinct) took note and I remained calm and simply closed the memorial by saying "how unfortunate it was that even during Talia's last goodbye, she could not simply be remembered, but how some people in their selfish and shameless desire for exhoneration and self-promotion would use this solemn occasion to sermonize and pass judgment upon others". I was applauded.

    I am sorry that you had to listen to that Mario. What a complete jackass. The applause that you received after your comments shows that the crowd wasn't buying what your ex-father-in-law had to say. The JW's are so into themselves that they are incapable of the least kindnesses and shows of human dignity and decency even at your darkest hour. You have shown alot of class and grace my friend. You have me deepest and sincerest sympathy on the loss of your dear Talia. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.

    Mr. Shakita

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