Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1241 Replies latest members private

  • Mystery

    (((((Mario and Marina)))))

    Thinking of you Mario.


  • bebu


  • Sunspot

    Dear Mario!

    How nice to see you posting! I also admire your honesty in your update to us. And you HAVE been through so much, dear heart.

    We ALL love you so much and think of you often. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I think that you'll find that things should be looking up. The winters in New England can be long and depressing for the best of us!

    I haven't been able to post here for well over a week---somehow my posts would be lost when I tried to send them. Seeing your last post and not being able to reply made me upset!

    Please continue to struggle against the temptation to give up. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you have so much to look forward to despite some truly nasty obstacles. It WILL be worth it as you heal and can see the flowers instead of the weeds.

    You have a lot of support from many folks, and I do pray for you every night to ask that you find strength to put one foot in front of another to face the new day.



  • Moridin

    Just wanted you to know that we're thinking of you Mario and you are in our prayers and thoughts.

  • outnfree


    I have been wondering and wondering how you have been doing and, as I haven't been on the board too often myself, had not seen the interim posts by bebu and others. I am glad to see the update, to know that you are moving in a positive direction emotionally bit by bit, and that the indictment has come down against Tonya.

    I have an affirmation for you as regards the trial: "Justice will prevail and beneficial outcomes are abundant for all concerned. I release all fears and surrender them to my Higher Power for healing and completion. Everyone wins."

    To me, it is a prayer that Tonya will realize her culpability and will shoulder the burden of her blame, that you will have an opportunity to share your anguish, love and concern in a way that is beneficial to your mental health, and that Marina will come to an understanding of how her mother's behavior was destructive and her father's was/is heroic.

    You are my hero. Be strong, and please be compassionate towards yourself.



  • ignored_one

    (((((Mario and Marina)))))

    Good to hear from you.


    Ignored One.

  • bebu

    Looking forward to hearing from you again, Mario! Hope you can get to the library soon...

    Thinking of you daily,


  • MerryMagdalene

    Thinking of you, Mario...wishing you continued strength to survive, someday to thrive.....


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Dear Family:

    Last night, I could not sleep at all, despite having spent the entire day with Marina in tow. She spent the rainy day with me in my apartment (affectionately known as the "Bat Cave"). It is very tiny, but we find a way to pass time by watching an old movie, taking naps, looking at pictures of Talia and running errands.

    We try not to discuss any of the tragedy since it always leads to arguments. Anyway, I dropped her off promptly at 8PM at the ex-in-laws and returned home. I watched some fuzzy TV and fell asleep around midnight.

    For many years, whenever I have experienced nightmares or any frightening dreams, I have always awaken at their conclusion and discovered the clocks always reading slightly after 3AM. Last night, the same thing occurred, with some differences.

    I had a dream again about Talia, except as usual, she is always much younger than 12 in my dreams. In this dream she was bound and gagged and squirming to speak to me and could not say anything. I remember that and then waking up to find an NBC Dateline special in progress about a man who was forcibly separated from his wife and two daughters by a false and prompted accusation of sexual abuse.

    As I watched the special, doctors and professionals cited a condition know as "P.A.S." which means "Parental Alienation Syndrome". After learning what it is and how it is manifested, I soon realized that Tonya was actively engaging in this behavior and creating the exact conditions mentioned in the special report.

    She cleverly manipulated the minds of the children against me and created isolated conditions which she managed through paranoia and fear. Thus, I was gradually shut out of my children's lives. The gentleman in the story tried using legal means to prevent the isolation, and then found himself facing abuse charges which were created and coaxed by the wife and her supporting counselors.

    Thus, the husband had no choice but to give up and lose contact. I see Tonya would have probably resorted to the same strategy or something similar if I had intervened with legal measures. I can only wonder if it is my guilty conscience, or my sub-conscious, or therapy, or is it Talia that is responsible for providing this information.

    I feel as if I was awoken to see view the special so I would not miss that information. All of you know I am very agnostic and definitely a borderline atheist. But, during the past several months, I have experienced some unique coincidences and similar events. I don't know what to think, but I am very glad I learned about "P.A.S." and it is helpful to say the least.

    This week, I am continuing to clean up debris and attempting to salvage whatever goods I can sell. A former neighbor is promising to assist me with a yard sale, although I don't expect much of a return.

    I am trying to stay busy in between therapy, court and other related appointments. Today, I am visiting the food bank again to pick up another supply of basic groceries. I want to thank all of you again for the amazing cards and thoughts. Some of your words are so moving and they give me extra strength just when I am so tired and feel like quitting everything.

    The pictures and words are so nice and peaceful and serene. I just need peace again someday, lots of real sleep and rest. I want to be a baby again and have my parents take care and make all these problems go away. I know that is immature and childish and very selfish. I apologize. I just feel overwhelmed and like I haven't put a dent in anything.

    Well, I have to give up this workstation at the library because it is someone else's turn (I was job hunting and trying to return e-mail). Take care all of you and thx a million.


  • calamityjane

    Nice to hear from you Mario. I know it's a hard fight, but deal with it at your own comfortable pace.



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