Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Sunspot

    Dearest Mario,

    What a nice surprise to see your post! What a wonderful thing that Bebu has done for you in sending that info to you.

    You mentioned how you just covered yourself up in a sleeping bag. It sounds very comforting, snuggly and warm. I can't see that doing that every now and then would be harmful......it seems to be a comfort zone for you, and a safe one at that. (Meaning that you aren't relying on illegal drugs or alcohol to find "relief")

    It's encouraging to see you posting and knowing that you are making solid plans---is great! A summer in Italy? WHAT could be more delightful? What a terrific opportunity to spend time with your daughter and share thoughts, hopes and dreams with one another in a new (and friendly) setting.

    I'm glad to see how Marina is doing in school! Kids that have a "perfect" family life quite often don't achive what your daughter has! It says a lot about her character and I can tell how very proud you ARE of her.

    I'm sure that I can speak for everybody here, in saying that WE sure wish it were possible to meet you, to be there in RI for you and let you pour out your heart as long as you felt the need to do so. It's frustrating for US too, wishing we could be of more help, just even being there to LISTEN to you. You are very precious to us all.

    Looking forward to the next time you post.....



  • codeblue


    Last night, I had a dream that me and my hubby came to visit you.....and low and behold I got up this morning with a cup of coffee, trying to wake up...I checked JWD and saw your thread was active.........and noticed you were the latest poster!!!

    I am so happy you posted and are feeling better!!!

    I can identify with your comments about not having family close by to help you in times of stress......and IF I could truly come and visit you, I would be more than happy to do so...

    Sending you many hugs,


  • hubert

    Hey Mario, It's so good to see you posting! I am very happy you are giving us updates on your progress, and that it's mainly positive. You have to look at what you still have. You still have Marina, and you have to be here for her, and it looks like you are concentrating on that. I'm happy to hear she is doing well in school, although with a few minor problems. It can be expected. But, the fact that she is away from the j.w.'s, and closer to you, that's a major accomplishment. Build your life around her, Mario.

    You mentioned that you would like to meet some of your forum friends. Well, my wife and I had lunch with (ZEV) and his girlfriend, (SOMEBODY), a couple of weeks ago, and ZEV mentioned that he would like to get together with you too, maybe the next time we meet. Let me know if you are up to it, and I'll make the arrangements for a "mini-apostate" lunch. If anyone else in the area of R.I. is reading this, maybe you can send me a p.m., and I can see if I can arrange for a time to meet Mario, IF MARIO IS UP TO IT. It's going to be Mario's decision, if he wants this. NO PRESSURE ON YOU, MARIO. It's just a suggestion. You make the decisions. If you can't handle this right now, we will all understand. And, Marina is welcome, too. So, send me a P.M., or call me and let me know what you think. I can't pay for everybody, but I will foot the bill for you and Marina. Please let me do this. Okay, the ball is in your court.

    A reminder for the friends on the forum. As you can see, Mario is still pressed for cash, so keep the "cards" coming. And, in case you're thinking...No, I don't get a commission. I get great pleasure seeing all of you helping a person who you have never met. I wish you could all meet him. He's a great guy, with a good head on his shoulders. Thank you all for helping him so much.


  • bebu

    Hey Mario,

    Thanks for posting again. I'm glad to hear that you are able to use those resources for the while. This area should get a little easier for you, as you get adjusted to dealing with the processes. I hope that there isn't any unnecessary paperwork; there really shouldn't be.

    I hope you are able to pay your heating bills... If that's a struggle, I think one of those links also gave energy assistance.

    I know there are several people who have remembered that you need a little boost at this time... I wish to remind others who can, that they can make a practical difference for a person who could really stand the help.

    You are in a better place than you were a while ago--believe it! Even though it is so wearying. But we are going to keep hanging on to you while you get your feet back under you.

    As Aude mentioned earlier... if there is a specific practical need, let us know. There are a lot of folks on this board, and there is a chance someone can give you a precise answer to your need. And I think it was Aude who also suggested writing for release... very good suggestion, I think.

    I hope the sun is warming you up, giving you a feeling of hope.


    Edited to add: hubert, great idea for a lunch. And LOL at:

    And, in case you're thinking...No, I don't get a commission.
  • Billygoat

    ((((Mario and Marina))))

    Life has so much to offer you dear friend. I know that you see that. We are so glad and so proud that things are looking up. Baby steps...baby steps.

    I hope I can climb out of this depression and this hole and rescue her and be a family again. I want to thank all of you again for all of the help. I really do appreciate it and it is not in vain. I hope I can make it so I can see some of you someday.

    You will climb out of it and you'll be fine. Just one foot in front of the other for a little while. My husband and I look forward to meeting you and your sweet child someday!


  • Bryan


    It's great hearing from you and seeing that you are slowly but surely climing out of your dark place. One day at a time. Getting to Italy will be really good for you and Marina, I'm sure.

    Take care and please post as often as you can. We love hearing for you, you know!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • NewLight2

    (((((((Mario and Marina)))))))

    Good to see you posting again! I think that natural sleep is natures way of 'healing' depression. I, too, spent many hours sleeping away my time when the emotional pain was so great a few years ago when I suffered a job loss and deep depression. I didn't think there was anything wrong with sleeping naturally to avoid the pain of awake hours. After all, you can sleep just so many hours and your body says enough! So then that is the time to start working on solutions to life's situations.


  • bem

    Warm loving hugs,(((((((Mario))))) It made my day to come home from work and see you posted an up-date. I had been thinking about you an extra amount today. just got released to go back to work a week ago last Monday, {Not any comparisson to what you have been through dear friend},,, It's good to get out again so I hope you get what your looking for when your ready to work. Love and hugs to Marina, and in memory of your precious baby Talia..


    P.S. Again I am so glad to of gotten to know that there are people around that love and care for folks as so many of you all have shown caring for Mario as you have.

  • orangefatcat


    I am too so happy things are getting a little better for you. So many have posted and I just wanted to add my thought and to let you know your in my prayers.

    Its wonderful isn''t to see how many love and care for you. As do I.

    Keep up your strength.

    all my love


  • wannaexit

    Hi Mario,

    It's been a real treat to see you post again. I am so happy to see you on the road to recovery. My family thinks of you often.


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