Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • hubert

    Thanks a lot, Bebu !!!! LOL !!

    I (hope) know you're kidding.

    Just sign it "a friend from the board", or something like that.


  • jgnat

    It is great to see you around again, Utopian Reformist. I am glad we still have you, I am glad you are around for Marina. That horrible fire did so much damage, to everybody. It was so extreme, so horrible. It is unrealistic to expect anybody to just "carry on" after an event like that.

    You were deeply wounded, too, Mario. I see that anger is starting to overtake the depression, which is a good thing. But of course, because of the extreme wounding, the emotions are extreme as well. I will keep watching your progress, Mario, and I am hoping for as much healing as can be expected from something this awful.

  • jgnat

    Bebu, what you did was awesome. "Love thy neighbour" in action.

  • Narkissos


    Thank you so much for this costly update.

    I'm so glad you finally found the interlocutors you needed to stand up and walk, step by step, past the ruins of horror and nonsense.

    Take care friend.

  • hubert

    bttt...For those who missed Mario's posting.


  • RescueMe

    There is so much I want to say, but I haven't the words. My deepest sympathy for what you have lost, and my prayers are headed your way. You are a truly wonderful father.

  • bebu



  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Dear JWD Family:

    I woke up in tears today, but of a different kind. They are tears of gratitude and tears of longing to personally connect with so many of you in this forum. I know I should not call Tonya nor should I visit her, and I know I could be violating certain court restrictions by taunting her to commit suicide.

    I haven't been able to help myself. Fortunately, I have had a chance to spend more time with Marina. She is adjusting to the normalities of american high school and is doing well. She does miss being in her own home and having privacy and being with her own family. I am working on it, albeit slower than a tortoise.

    I have finally starting updating my resumes and have begun e-mailing them and posting on job sites hoping to solicit contact and some work. BEBU sent me links to some agencies that can provide groceries and food vouchers in the interim.

    Marina's therapist informed me that she was having trouble in school (emotionally zoning out, sort of daydreaming at times) and that she needs to see the school's counselor as well. I visited her last night and brought her a Hershey's Chocolate Kiss and a belated Valentine's Day card (thx friends!!). It seemed to make her happy and she cried for a bit.

    I miss both of my daughters and I don't know how to parent just one of them without always making arrangements and thinking for two. It's hard and it makes me frustrated and angry. I am trying my best.
    This past weekend in Rhode Island, the weather was actually mild for winter and very sunny, however, I went through some grieving episodes and ended up staying in my sleeping bag the entire weekend. I did not wake up until after 5PM Monday. Sometimes, I stay in my sleeping bag for warmth, but most of the time it is to try and sleep everything away and hope it was all a nightmare and also to try to dream about little Talia.

    I miss my little girl every minute of every day. I love all of you so much and wish I could just fall into someone, anyone's arms and just let it all out. My family is far away and due to upcoming court dates, I cannot fly anywhere until after mid-May. I promised my family Marina would spend the summer in Italy, thus I amy be able to join her when she finishes her freshman year. I am very proud of her receiving honors in environmental science, biology, and being placed in advanced placement courses for all of her subjects other than gym and italian.

    She is a sweetie pie and is still very innocent and still has most of her baby fat in her cheeks. I hope I can climb out of this depression and this hole and rescue her and be a family again. I want to thank all of you again for all of the help. I really do appreciate it and it is not in vain. I hope I can make it so I can see some of you someday.


  • calamityjane

    It's so good to hear from you.

    I know your having a hard time, but by your latest words, gives me comfort that you are taking the necessary steps to get back on your feet. It will be so great to get the court proceedings out of the way so that you can visit with your family in Italy.

    Hugs to you and Marina.


  • cruzanheart

    One step at a time, Mario!!! You're doing great and it's wonderful to hear from you every time you post.



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