Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Sunspot

    Hopefully now, with a bit more healing of time under his belt.....and with this ever-so-needed advocacy on a personal level-----sweet Mario seems to be on some solid ground on the path to coping with everything that has hit him in recent months.

    Billygoat-WE *all* felt/feel helpless and frustrated in knowing what to do for him. I am so very glad that he is accepting the help and making progress.

    Bebu---thank you for coming up with this idea and for being persistant in looking for some kind of solution. It's like seeing a candle in the rain........


  • hubert

    Sunspot,.... I didn't even know if I was helping him that much, even being close by, and in contact with him. I'm so glad Bebu found the right person/people that can handle this kind of tragedy, and really make a difference. I've never been in this kind of situation, so it's difficult to know if you are making a difference. Now I know he is getting the right kind of help, and it's all because of you, Bebu. You found the "key" to helping him. I'm sure he is grateful to all of you, as well as I am, for trying to help, and I'm sure we encouraged him to hang in there, because of it.

    I just want to say thanks to everyone on this board for helping Mario. We all gave our "two cents" worth, and it all counts.

    Thanks again, Bebu. Great job !! (((((Bebu))))


  • Xandria

    I truly am glad to hear that he has found a safety net and support group, where he can go through this process.


  • bebu

    K. and the agency's director are my heroes. K. told me that people/agencies who are willing to work in this kind of field are few. Which reinforces to me that we really do have something to be thankful for, that there is such appropriate help available close to Mario..

    ...Seriously, I'm sending a Thank You card to these ladies. If anyone else wants to as well, send a note to those angels K. Souza and AnneMarie D'Alessio at:

    875 Oaklawn Avenue
    Cranston, RI 02920

    (Or, [email protected] is the office email... )


  • LoverOfTruth


    You're an angel! If you get to speak with K. again, could you ask her if there is anything else we could be doing to assist? Please thank her for all of us.

    Hubert, you've been awesome throughout this entire situation. Don't underestimate the part you played in coming alongside Mario. You were there when he needed you and he knows you are not far away if he calls out.

  • bebu


    hubert is an inspiration to me as well. He's an !


  • bem

    And folks I'm gonna kinda butt in here and add my 2cents. I want to say that I think this has been such a loving, kind expierience for so many of us. I have never seen anything like the connection on this scale and with so many different people. strangers really. bound together by a desire to empathize. Mourne together for an injustice few can even handle the thought of noneless the pain that went with Marrios loss'.

    Then to make it an even more touching chapter in our lives I know personally some have had there own hurdles and strife to get through. During this time. Hugs to all of you. Your good people.

  • hubert

    Bebu and LOT, you are too kind. I'm just an average guy that has been moved by Mario's tragedy, like the rest of you, and I just happened to be in the right place to be able to help a little. Thanks for the compliments.

    For that, you have each earned a truckful of snow !! Free of charge !! Just let me know where to dump it, and I'll be fill the tank and be there in no time. The truck is already full, I didn't even have to fill it. God did it for me. (There's no place left to dump it around here). We just got another 4 inches on top of the two feet we got Sunday, and the plows just don't know where to go with it. LOL !!! And, the roads are getting worse !! I hope they sand tonight, otherwise I'm staying in tomorrow.

    Last weekend was too hectic, but I am going to try to contact Mario this weekend, and see if I can get him to go out for coffee, or lunch. If I do, I'll get back to you.


  • LoverOfTruth

    Hey don't send any snow here to Ohio. We've had our share!!

    It feels good to laugh again. Thanks Hubert.

  • happyout

    I wanted to put this back on top.

    Also, wanted to ensure it's still ok to send Mario a donation. I read that he didn't want them, and I don't want to offend him, but I really, really want to help, and this is the best way I can think of. Can LDH, or Hubert, or someone please let me know?

    Thanks, and you guys are wonderful.


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