Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Aude_Sapere

    I think that sometimes we 'pay forward' with things more valuable than money.

    Each person will know what that is when the situation is right. And they will know how much according to their own circumstances.

    Time. Labor. Physical Assistance. A warm-dry bed or a blanket to a needy person. I think these are all ways to pay forward. Each person to a greater or lesser degree. I would not want anyone that I assisted to feel obligated to provide identical assistance. I think it can possibly add to the current stress.

    Take what you need. Let the people who love you show that love in whatever way they can - even if it's just money. Pass along what you can when you are on more stabile footing.


  • LoverOfTruth

    I don't expect re-payment. Like aude, I pay forward.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I don't expect re-payment. Like aude, I pay forward.

  • LoverOfTruth

    Has anyone spoken with Mario recently?

  • bebu


    I haven't heard from Mario or anyone else who has recently been in contact. I will certainly give what basic information I learn, if I get any.

    Mario, I do hope you will see K., and also remember to call Lisa if needed.


  • outnfree

    ((((Mario)))) and (((Bebu))) Think of you, Mario, and grateful to you, Bebu. Hang in there, please?


  • bebu

    Spoke with K. today from the Advocacy Ctr.

    Mario has been in contact with them regularly since last week, and they are helping him in a variety of ways. All of them good and practical!!

    I let K. know that I am not after intricate details; simply knowing that Mario is alive is a relief. And knowing that he is finally having very regular face-to-face contact with a concerned advocate is glorious.

    K. and the Victims Advocacy Center are a true answer to prayer, folks. -- No apologies for saying that.


  • Bryan

    Great to hear it!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • MonkeyPrincess

    Im so happy to hear that he has some support right there with him. I came online today just to check if there was any news or update
    on Mario. Thanks bebu for contacting them.


  • Billygoat

    What a relief! I'm so glad...I've felt so helpless here, hundreds of miles away. It does make a difference to have so many people supporting you, but it makes even more difference when they're there in person. Bebu...you're an angel. thank you!

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