Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • acsot

    (((UR))) and (((Talia)))

    After my prayer/visualization for Dansk last night I did one for Talia, visualizing healing energy surrounding her and massaging her body, enabling her to breathe well and without pain.

    Please take care of yourself also, UR.

  • Mystery

    (((UR))), (((Talia))) and (((Marina)))

    Do you think you could have an agreement with Marina; she can go to the KH if she agrees to go to therapy?

    My prayers and tears are with you.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx Mystery & Ascot for the help.

    Marina is actually in therapy now and we visit twice a week. Tomorrow night we have another session. Today, a short while ago, the family court contacted me in order to refer me to therapy. I have so many areas to cover at once that I don't know where to begin and I am getting over reached with stress.

    There is the issue with repairing the fire damage, then salvaging clothing, articles, furniture, etc. After that, there are all of the new bills and fees generated by this fire. And, of course, Tonya never kept up the umbrella policy payments and the insurance expired, plus the policy does not cover arson.

    I am struggling with all of these administrative problems plus trying to maintain a professional presence at work. I am definitely feeling the pressure.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Dr. Harrington was forced to cancel Talia's surgery this afternoon. During the pre-op stages of preparation, Talia was stressed and her breathing and ventilation was not sufficient enought to sustain another surgical procedure.

    Even after increasing the volume of life support and medication, the improvement was marginal. Thus, respecting my wishes from previous conversations, Dr. Harrington decided to be cautious and will wait one more week before attempting another grafting.

    I am partially relieved but also concerned about the breathing problems. I am on my way to the hospital now and I will post an update later this evening.

    Thank you for your cards, gifts, words and support!

  • wannaexit
    I don't know what to do right now. I am miserable and feeling nauseous

    Hey there Mario,

    Now is not the time to think to far ahead. Take it an hour at a time if you have to. Things have a way of working out.

    My family and I are thinking of you and Talia.

    Are your parents dubs too?


  • BluesBrother

    Can you believe that one can post here regularly and somehow miss this thread, until today...???

    it is late to add my words of support and shock/horror at what happened . But better late than never.

    Mario is so brave, I can only add my best wishes for the speedy recovery of the girls and the resolving of all the resulting problems ...

  • bebu


    I wonder how on earth you can maintain a physical presence at work... let a professional one!

    Thank you for all the updates. The ICU is a very intense place to be; I just don't know how those workers can handle seeing all that they see, especially children who have suffered at the hands of their parents. I guess it is because without their being there, there would be NO hope at all for anyone!

    Take it easy. A day at a time. We're all standing with you, holding you up in our thoughts and prayers.

    praying-hands.jpg (9820 bytes)


  • siegswife

    ((((UR Talia and Marina)))) I hope you do get some counseling for yourself. Besides being an emotional support, the people you deal with might be able to direct you to some resources that could help with getting the house back together. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I'm praying for you and your daughters.

  • Mystery

    I know with all going on with you that you really need one more thing to think about. But....

    If you don't feel comfortable with the therapist, please request another one. It took 3 different doctors before I felt that I found one that really wanted to help and listen to my son.

    If you feel the therapy is not going well with Marina; due to your fatherhood inclination, request a change. And the one for yourself as well.

    If you and/or Marina do not feel comfortable it does not necessarily mean that the person is unqualified or that something is wrong with you; it simply means that you don?t ?click? with the person. Do you remember an old friend of yours that you haven?t talked to in YEARS; but you know that if you need someone to listen you can always call them. You ?clicked? a long time ago, but you still know you can depend on that person. You need to ?click? with the therapist. Feel comfortable talking with them.

    Take care and I am keeping you in my prayers.


  • LDH


    I haven't visited this board in more than half a year. I am stunned and saddened. I wish I could hug you. I will p.m. you my phone numbers. Please contact me as soon as you are able.



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