Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • candidlynuts

    my thoughts and prayers are with your baby girl today, i hope that her setback is temporary and she rallies and starts to improve. also my prayers are with you mario , the many layers of things you are having to deal with are mind boggling and i admire the strength you've shown.

    i appreciate the time you've taken to update us and please know we check daily to see how things are going and i take a moment each day to send good thoughts your way as do many others as you can see by the replies.

    hang in there, remember to take the time to eat a bite and to take some rest when you can.



  • Soledad

    Hi Mario. I've been following this thread closely. I want to tell you that you and your girls are in my daily thoughts. You need to take time and take things slowly. Dale tiempo al tiempo. Por favor cuidate mucho!

  • lisaBObeesa

    Hello, UR. I think of you and your daughters all the time.

    I can't imagine what you are going though..... A HUGE burden..and then the worry about your daughter and the JWs on top of it all.

    (((UR))) I have not read if you are getting professional help to get through this most traumatic and painful time. I hope you are...it must be overwhelming...please find this help...please see someone.

    We are all thinking of you and praying for you and your daughters. So many who never even post here are reading this thread and praying for you and thinking of you and sending their love. You are not alone.



  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hi UR,

    I am speechless. I just now clicked on this thread. I can't even begin to comprehend what you have and are going through.

    All I can really do is tell you that I wish the best for you and your daughters.

    Otherwise, no sage advice. Plus it appears you have received some well thought advice from others here.

    You & your family are in my thoughts.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx to Paul, Lisa and so many others. Yesterday, more cards arrived from Washington State, Minnesota, Texas and other places. The outpouring has been tremendous and extremely touching.

    Today, Talia will be undergoing her fourth round of surgery in order to "skin graph" the left arm. Dr. Harrington (Station Night Club Fire Specialist) will be using cadaver skin to graph and blood will be administered during the procedures.

    Talia is starting to awaken more and more, which is a danger. Many of the victims of that famous night club fire expired when they awoke too soon, realized their condition, panicked, became frightened and launched their body's systems into complications.

    Talia is beginning to shake her head slightly from side to side, and is also attempting to move her fingers and arms and also wiggles her legs a bit. Her torso is apparently stressed and she labours intensely to breathe, despite the assistance of the ventilation equipment.

    I have been speaking into her ears in a quiet and soothing tone telling her where she is, who is around her, what the situation is and asking her to be still, to lie quietly, to cooperate with the medical team, to avoid panicking, to avoid worrying and to remain absolutely calm.

    I explain to her that the voices she hears are doctors, nurses and specialists. I explain that she is never alone and that someone is always by her bedside. I explain that her favorite radio station is playing in the background and that she should relax and concentrate on remembering her favorite songs. I ask her to continue working hard from the inside by resting calmly, breathing and focusing on healing from within using all of her energy to rest and heal.

    For the most part, she relaxes after coaching. They are considering a "tracheotomy" in order to improve ventilation and remove the oral tubing. The oral tubing may be irritating her esophagus and causing some slight scratching and bleeding.

    Both children were born asthmatic, and thus, after a critical smoke injury, Talia also needs extensive asthma therapy, such as constant nebulization with albuterol sulphate and some mild steroids. We are working very hard day and night. This is the most difficult time of our lives.

    I can't stop thanking everyone from this board for their tireless efforts, concern, friendship, loyalty, love and kindness.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Due to the nature and gravity of the internal injuries that Talia has sustained, she has now somehow developed diabetic complications and has been receiving regular daily doses of insulin via intravenous injections.

    I am so sad over this development and had hoped that her curernt injuries would have been enough for any child for a lifetime. But, according to the medical team, there may be more unpleasant surprises in the near future. I don't know what kind of life this child will be able to lead or manage after this nightmare is over.

  • Narkissos


    Thanks for the updates, heartbreaking as they may be.

    What is lost is lost. Now she has to be reached where she is. The beauty and value of any life can only be seen from inside.

    I'm thinking of you all every day. Crying at this very moment.

    Take care of yourself,


  • Happy Guy :)
    Happy Guy :)

    UR try as I may to imagine what you are going through, I can't. I admire you strength. Thank you for sharing with us what is happening as there is not a day when we don't think and worry about you and your family.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx Narkissos & Happy Guy!

    I appreciate the depth and sincerity of your words. Those of us with children know how sad it can be when a little one is hurt. In the very same ICU, a three month old baby died because his parents had broken SEVENTEEN bones by beating him almost to death.

    Literally, the baby resembled a plum as he was carted by in the hallway. Another three year old died after having been literally thrown into a wall by the mother's live-in boyfriend. It has been a sad and tragic time at the ICU.

    I have watched many people shed tears and have watched mothers literally fall to their feet in anguish and grief at the suffering of a child. It is so incredibly real, painful and penetrating to the soul.

  • gypsywildone


    You are the reason I make sure that I check this site at least every day. Your words are soothing to your daughter's ears & soul, it is a good thing that she has you. I cannot imagine her mother's familoy reacting in the way that they are.

    You are in everyone's thoughts.

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