Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    This morning at 06:30AM, EST, I was amazed as the medical team has been slowly reducing the amount of medically induced paralysis in order to test for neurological responses in Talia, and she began responding after several hours.

    This morning, I was able to ask her if she could hear me and respond by blinking once, and she did after a 15 second pause. I asked if she was in pain and asked her to confirm by blinking twice, and she did not. I then asked if she was feeling painless and to blink once and she did blink again after 15 seconds.

    I spoke to her at length and her blinking became more frequent. It is a good sign although we have had setbacks like the need for insulin and more blood and also a previous skin graft now needs re-grafting. She is facing about six more operations for grafting and a few more for plastic surgery.

    I am trying to stay as positive as possible and avoid focusing on the negative setbacks.

  • avishai

    (((((UR)))) Man I wish I was there. I've had to deal with two arson fires from , likely, my psycho JW grandmother. I'm really good at taking care of fire damage. Alas, I live in CA. I like providence a lot, too.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Hi Avishai:

    Thx alot. Actually, I do wish you lived closer because I could use some advice! I have no idea how to proceed as far as the cleanup process is concerned. If you have any ideas on what I can save, where to start, how to handle furniture issues, room repair, chemical treatments, etc. I would appreciate any expertise at all.

    Thx a million Avishai!

  • bem

    UR & Babies, Hugs and love to all of you, I am sorry too that I cannot be closer to help sit up with your daughter and offer support for you.if nothing more than a cup of coffee and a sympathetic ear. Take care of yourself and we're thinking of you daily. Sending energy your way.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    UR, so much heartache and trauma for you and the little ones to go thru. My heart goes out to yall and my thoughts and prayers are with yall. I hope that everything turns out for the best and that the future becomes much brighter for all of you.



  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx a lot and many hugs and greetings to BEM, Frannie and everyone else! I will going to the hospital later this afternoon and will pass on all of the support, well wishes, good cheer and love.

  • bebu

    I've been looking forward to your updates, UR. I feel a great deal of relief and excitement that your daughter is able to respond to your questions already. I'm sure it was difficult to blink, considering the medicine. But she was certainly conscious and communicating deliberately. Wow...!

    Still thinking of you and yours each day.

    God bless,


  • wannaexit

    What a tragedy!!!!!!

    My heart aches.

    My prayers are with you and your girls.



  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx Bebu, WannaExit & Hemp Lover (love that moniker)!

    I am leaving work a little early and driving over to the hospital to see my baby. On her behalf, have a great weekend, hugs to all and many thanks!

  • Special K
    Special K

    I haven't been on line here for 24 hours or so and wondered many times how Talia was doing.

    What a relief to here that she can respond to your questions by blinking. That is a break through of sorts.

    I know the surgeries and mending will take some time. It's so good to know that you, her Dad, are by her side.

    Please keep us update has things progress.


    Special K

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