Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Yizuman

    Fark! I missed all this after taking time off from the forums.

    Mario, I am so sorry and I am totally at loss for words.

    My best wishes and prayer to you and to your family!


  • bebu

    An adjustment of thinking here is needed.

    Hubert has got a full life with things happening that make handling all of the things we hope to take care of beyond his ability. If there will be any fund for any purpose, then another than Hubert should handle it--I know out there someone is reading this who knows how it can be done and will volunteer here to do it.

    Hubert is Mario's friend, and that relationship comes first; not only for Mario, but for Hubert. It takes a lot of emotional energy. We all love Hubert for his generous heart.

    I will be working toward trying to help connect Mario with the support group Compassionate Friends. That is, to somehow help him be aware that special support is available, where people WILL know where he's coming from, and can be tangible emotional support in person. It is where I would go if I suffered the loss of a child.

    So... Whatever we do, we can do via phone or internet if we have to. Cuz it's that kind of world today, and we are motivated.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    LDH earlier mentioned something about setting up a fund with a local bank. I don't remember what came of that.

  • Aude_Sapere

    Would paypal be able to assist with something like this??

  • LoverOfTruth

    I don't know if setting up a trust set up is even necessary.

    It could be as simple as Mario setting up a Paypal account. He may already have one. That way he could get to the funds immediately and get his bills paid. All he has to do is transfer it from Paypal to his Checking Account.

  • bebu

    Aude, that might be a good idea! If Mario's email stays current, then he will be able to receive funds. Is someone familiar enough with Paypal to know what the inherent risks are and to list them here? I have used Paypal quite a bit for auctions, but I would like to know more about their policies for various situations (like what if Mario never opens his email, or the email address goes defunct??)

    That's a good start, perhaps. What do others think? Other thoughts? I like brainstorming.


  • morty

    I am not to sure on how transfers of moneys work there in the U.S.A but, I am willing to send some funds to help out if someone knew how to???...

    I can help in a small way to Mario's soul being rekindled.If we could all help in a small way, this could be a huge start to the healing of his heart to beat again.......He needs to be here for his daughter..


    I will watch this thread to see what is updated for some help for Mario....

  • bebu

    Hey Morton, I just pm'ed ya!

    More thoughts about Paypal... It is beneficial because it is easy. The downside is that Mario will see each person's name and amount, and feel immediately a certain indebtedness to individuals. When donations are anonymous, there is no way he could repay anyone, for he would not know who nor how much.

    It might be a good idea to have certain couples on the board--like Joyzabel and Jst2laws, Cruzanheart and Big Tex--receive funds and then send them as one donation on to Mario via Paypal. I mention couples only because it might help some people feel more at ease if there is a little more accountability...

    Other thoughts?


  • LoverOfTruth

    I think worries about finances are a Major issue.

    Mario said:

    December 22
    OK. As you know, it's always about the money, right? That's right. Even after a death,homicide, arson, tragedy, everything boils down to the questions about money. So here is my current situation, (I need some shrewd advice from some of you ral movers and shakers out there):
    December 23
    This morning, I will file for unemployment compensation in MA and then follow-up on some of the links posted by Xandria. Basically, if I can keep my head above water, meaning my rent, my cell phone, my DSL, and my vehicle, I will be fine. Food is not an issue since I have been fasting twice a week for over a year now and I hardly eat anyway. ..........
    I may also file for that personal bankruptcy. In the end,some of these shackles and chains have to be loosened in order for me to make some sort of progress and move forward out of and away from this tragedy.
    Two Nights Ago: January 3
    I am drowning right now in problems.
    I am losing the ability to be realistic and to see straight. I am tired of life and tired of making arrangements and tired of grieving and tired of trying to make a new life out of the impossible without closure. It's a burden than will never go away and I cannot continue to carry it.
  • LoverOfTruth
    It might be a good idea to have certain couples on the board--like Joyzabel and Jst2laws, Cruzanheart and Big Tex--receive funds and then send them as one donation on to Mario via Paypal.

    This is a wonderful idea!

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