Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?

by bisous 106 Replies latest jw experiences

  • seven006

    Gramps? Well,...ya know I can live with that. I do have a little baby grand daughter who I love more then life. Her smile is the reason I didn't blow my brains out years ago...that and I was too drunk to find the bullets.

    There is no headpiece, my avatar is taken from a 3D illustration I did a year ago. It's a man's head made out of cement with a glass dome head crown with transparent tubes going to a smaller head where the brain should be. It was a comp for a movie poster concept. I am a professional 3D illustrator and one of my clients has me do 3D work for companies like MGM, and Columbia pictures. The truth is boring, you should have stuck with your assumption.

    Yes, Cannon beach is like the Berkley of Oregon without the college campus taking up half the city. Eugene Oregon is more like Berkley but without the higher level of computer science courses and a view of the ocean. I suppose if you climbed the hill behind the Berkley campus and looked west you could see the San Francisco bay, but that doesn't hold a candle to the orange cliffs of the Oregon coast line. The academic population of Eugene is more like Fremont in that it tries to think it flirts with a high tech environment that swings a little further south.

    The shop owners in Canon beach might remind you of Berkley because just as the tie-died clad shop owners who are permanently stuck in the vortex of the late sixties they tend to be caught between hugging trees and realizing the capitalist dream of making a tidy profit from the gullible tourist. Thus my whimsical and completely sarcastic comment I made to Panda who is one of the many women on this board whom I have grown to have a tremendous amount of respect for her intelligence and ability to dish it out to me as quick or even slightly quicker than I can dish it out to her.

    Yes, endless banter can be entertaining, you had to push me for serious answers and I hate being serious. I knew that song about girls just want to have fun was bullshit. In the end, they always want their questions answered.

    Hey, this was fun, I'm headed off to bed, I just hope the nurse hasn't given my hot water bottle to some other old guy about ready to die.

    As I said before, welcome to the board and good night.


    PS: You owe me five bucks for the new friends.

  • seven006

    I'm not sniffing anything.

    Hey lost, how ya doing woman? Did another JW meet up did ya? I told you about those, but as usual, you don't take anything I say serious. Maybe that's because I'm rarely ever serious. You go out with all the exJW yahoos but blow me off for dinner.

    And people wonder why I don't date and have sworn off women.

    Good to see ya B, glad you are getting out.


  • Gretchen956
    Also to listen to Tory Amos.

    No, it isn't only the old farts that listen to Tory. Its lesbians and old farts. I qualify on both counts. Yet STILL I found exjw's to meet up with me in Portland. So I have extremely high hopes for you finding new exjw friends, bisous.

    As for Dave, since he's an illustrator and I do design work too, maybe he can help me with the T-shirt I'm making. It's the Armeggedon World Tour t-shirt. Same as the concert ones, with all the dates the dubs have listed for it written down below. I think I could be a millionaire selling them for apostafests!

    And, since Dave is a yoonick and I'm a lesbian, we could make up a double batch of popcorn because I have perzactly the same problem with wimmen. (don't let my partner hear me say that!)

    Club MeBTW, this is HIGHLY entertaining!


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    welcome to the forum, Bisous


  • Xena

    aaahhh dave has a new cute

    btw welcome and discount anything bad said about Texas apostates...they are just jealous of us

  • ihatescreennames

    Hey. I'm an Oregonian!!

    A Salemite (though I spent the first 3 years of my life in Waldport).

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Aw... allus Texians ain't near as bad as Double OT-six says we is! We're frennlee and we likes our gunz. <clacks dentures and scratches beehind>. Like Xena says: they're gelatinous!


    P.S. And welcome to Texas... er.. the board!

  • Valis
    And people wonder why I don't date and have sworn off women.

    ya we know..


    District Overbeer

  • seven006


    That one is getting old. The one I did of you as Chucky is much better. Post that one, it cracks me up.


  • Valis

    eh Dave...getting old you say? about this one?


    District Overbeer

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