Was this right? Cedars threatens, what say you?

by Hadriel 177 Replies latest members adult

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    What threats?

    Why does your thread title mention Cedars made threats?

    Why doesn't your title reference that you are asking this forum about the copyright issue?? ( AKA Beating a dead horse.)

    What difference does it make what this community thinks about A LEGAL copyright issue and Cedars (again) if you are moving forward in assisting Debra Dykstra?

    Why not MOVE forward?

    Why bring up the issue again?

    Why say Cedars made threats?


  • jookbeard
    a like from me RvW, this whole scenario descends into deeper more pointless farce, just more stirring and name calling and carrying on with feuds and agendas, cant this issue die a wimper? is very boring and tiring
  • Ruby456

    rip van winkle here is your reply

    So as some of you know, I've made no secrets about it, I've been assisting the copyright holder of Crisis of Conscience remove infringers around the web. Many have in fact been removed with more to come.

    the removal of infringes around the web - cedars won't comply

  • mrquik

    I think the bottom line is:

    1. We don't mind paying for this. I bought mine in a heartbeat. Best investment I ever made.

    2. We understand the need to generate revenue. If it helps one more person leave this cult, we all for it.

  • Ruby456

    yes exactly mrquik

    and we want to preserve it as something Ray wrote and not as overlapping with another person's views about it

    Once the copyright has been obtained then the holders can ask others to take down any offensive associations. This is important in cases where the material may be used for undignified purposes.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    No Ruby456.


    It doesn't answer my specific questions.

    Thanks jookbeard.

  • Ruby456


    at the moment I would consider cedars use of Ray's work as very unlike what Ray stood for. bullying and browbeating christians - his militant atheistic views etc etc

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


    Changing the subject won't work with me.

    Try again.

  • Ruby456

    cedars is taking Rays work out of context and popularising something Ray and Cynthia did not stand for. From my pov he needs to show them some respect particularly as he has been asked to do so.

    rip - anyway in reply to your question I am going with the flow - flowing water is never quiet

  • juandefiero
    I've been assisting the copyright holder of Crisis of Conscience remove infringers around the web. Many have in fact been removed with more to come.

    Yet, the number one google result for the keywords "crisis of conscience pdf" is still up there and is still the same as it was 15 months ago when I downloaded it during my awakening. So, when you say "many have...been removed" how many are we talking exactly?

    Do you think it is O.K. to promote bootleg copies of Crisis of Conscience? If yes, explain.

    Depends what you mean by promote. I don't think it's okay to profit from the work of others, if that's what you're getting at.

    Since Ray Franz charged for the book himself so as to maintain and promote the book, is it not O.K. for the new copyright holder in which he entrusted this work to do the same? If no, explain.

    It's perfectly legal for the new copyright holder to charge for the book. Silly question.

    Should the correspondence between Lloyd and I be posted publicly?

    No. That's petty and vindictive. If you didn't like something Lloyd said to you over the internet, you should just move along and ignore it like any other troll.

    Someone recently made a video showing how simple it is to get the book...


    There's no way to get rid of all the illicit PDFs. That doesn't make it legal, but you have to understand the nature of the internet. It's literally playing whack a mole and you will spend more money on lawyers and time sending take down notices than the book will actually make.

    Movie companies have hundreds of people working on piracy issues, and even they can't stop it. Do you think you'll be any more effective?

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