Was this right? Cedars threatens, what say you?

by Hadriel 177 Replies latest members adult

  • juandefiero
    @jockbeard was the book free while Ray was alive? Pretty strong proof I would say.

    Answer this: How is making a legitimate version of the book freely available going to affect the "integrity" of the original work? The copyright holder can still retain the copyright.

    You can even set up a "pay what you want" model. Radiohead did that with their In Rainbows album. Many people legitimately downloaded it for free. But many also paid what they felt it was worth.

    Making the album available for free did not affect the integrity of the document.

    In fact, "...Radiohead...made more money from digital sales of In Rainbows than the digital sales of all previous Radiohead albums combined." (Source)

  • Hadriel
    @IAmABibleStudent some of your issues are the very reason it isn't all so easy. I have great confidence the goal is to get the book in as many hands in as many lands as possible.
  • Hadriel

    @juandefiero there would be no issue in doing that, however how is revenue generated for other languages. Which is absolutely the goal here. NOT just about U.S. and U.K.

    BTW I didn't realize that Cedars was banned here. Can't say I' shocked.

  • clarity

    Sounds like you are using the vendetta surrounding John Cedars as a publicity stunt to get attention from exjw's on JWN.

    Your headline "Cedars threatens" is getting old. The mention of his name is like a match being struck and all his work being flamed into disrepute.

    That is not fair play. Never was never will be.

    The Watchtower "religion" does that too. You can slave for them for your whole life and all your efforts will still be nothing and you will still be a good for nothing slave.

    For goodness sake can we stop doing the 'us and them' game! We are all in this life together..... for the good the bad & the ugly!


  • Incognito

    I haven't read through the posts past the first page but wish to respond based on the OP's initial post.

    If responsibility for the book has been transferred to another person and that person accepted the responsibility, then that person has an obligation to carry-out that promise regardless of whether the requester (assumed to be Ray or Cynthia Franz) are no longer living. Copy write is a legal entity which has a set applicable term even well past the book author's lifespan. The issue of enforcement is not a group decision or one that requires a group opinion.

    An issue of copy write is not always money but is often to maintain the assurance that the original work has not been altered. With bootlegged copies circulating, although they may be presented as Ray Franz's original work, there could be alterations included which do not represent Ray's words, but are thoughts, opinions or misdirection by someone else.

    While Hadriel mentioned updates possibly needing to be made due to time frame references or the like, edits should not be included as that is an alteration from the original. As the book will include the date of the original writing, the reader will then need to take that into consideration when time-frame references are made.

    If threats were in fact made, there are proper and official methods of dealing with threats from a legal perspective, especially if the threats were made in writing. Posting privileged communications on a public forum could be considered an invasion of privacy but if those communications contain threats, then those communications should be used as evidence and copies need to be provided to the proper authorities. Sharing those communications publically, could jeopardize their use as evidence.

  • Hadriel
    @clarity well to someone that's been on this forum for years that might be the case. Been here literally a couple months. To be clear I wanted an honest litmus test as to the situation. More or less am I crazy here? That's it. Sometimes things are not as cunning as they appear. This would be one of them. Just wanted some honest opinions.
  • Hadriel
    @incognito although I agree it appears as though Ray made some of these timeline edits himself. So it is inline with that as to why I say that. In general I agree with your statement.
  • jookbeard
    Hadriel, on a number of your posts now I've noticed the you've used the work "revenue" or "revenue generated" etc it seems to be almost an obsession for you? I'm sure the a vast percentage of us here if we were very wealthy would print, pay for copywrting and distribute these books completely for free, I'm becoming more and more disappointed with your responses here. I believe there were French,German and Spanish translations of his books, how much differential is there from printing and English or Spanish translation of this book, surely very minimal, we live in a digital age, PDF's in various languages are available for almost anything this day and age
  • Hadriel
    @jookbeard I'm in the business world. That's what we call it. Simple as that. I've also used "funds" and "money". If you don't watch it I'll drop "monetize" on you next :)
  • jookbeard
    this isn't buisness though is it, we are in the business of saving peoples lives from a dangerous,toxic,destructive high control group, many of us toil away for years for nothing in the hope of helping others, do you realise this?

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