Was this right? Cedars threatens, what say you?

by Hadriel 177 Replies latest members adult

  • konceptual99
    @konceptual99 very honest, and you make solid points. I can't speak for the copyright holder however I can say that very nominal pricing will be in place. I get your point as to the donation basis. The problem is simply this. You can't fight infringers, revise, print, pay attorneys etc without some revenue. You just can't. There lies the problem.
    There are many that believe the book should just be free. If that was what Ray wanted he would have put that in place. He was smarter than most give him credit for. Yes he gave copies away here and there but it isn't like it was a free for all. He realized it needed revenue to keep going. Nothing has changed.

    The distribution and revenue model 5-10+ years ago for small volume publications has changed somewhat and no one can really say what Ray's view would be now. No one is denying that it takes some money to maintain even a modest infrastructure to distribute a publication but I agree with other posters who are suggesting that there are some costs that perhaps are avoidable.

    This web site is a great example of how a powerful resource can be provided by a dedicated individual without needing to even ask for donations. Cedars, for all his faults, has demonstrated it is perfectly feasible to produce a proper printed book for a very modest figure. He has also shown there is a demand.

    You will never put the genie back in the bottle as far a hooky electronic copies go. I applaud the efforts to try and get some structure back however please do not underestimate the barrier that making someone pay for a copy may put up. Many will be reading this book in utter secrecy. I know I did. I would have not wanted anything gong through my bank account, there is no way I would have bought a printed copy.

    I suspect that an appeal for some help to set up a simple "official" web site with an official download and a donate button would bring in offers of help and you could be up and running in no time. I suspect you would have more financial support than you might expect. As for printed copies, I am sure there are people who can help advise on how to get this done in a cheap and flexible way. Dare I say, maybe you could bury the hatchet with Cedars and get his support seeing as he has done it already?

    There is an immense amount of goodwill towards the memory of Ray Franz and recognition of the import of his work. IMHO if there was rapid movement on an official channel to get the book out with as few technical and financial barriers as possible then the vast majority of the exJW resources out there would support it and take the wind out of the sails of the unofficial channels without needing to play a constant game of chase.

  • Hadriel

    @konceptual99 wow great point I wasn't even thinking about "secrecy". Not even gonna lie hadn't given that any thought very very good point. For those that want the full enchilada (hard back etc) should be some sort of privacy packaging.

    Anyway good stuff there Koncept

  • Hadriel

    @konceptual99 you give Cedars too much credit in my opinion I tried vehemently to work something out. Help see the greater picture. I really did try.

  • lanalonger

    It is available on Scribd, if that is of interest.

  • konceptual99
    @konceptual99 you give Cedars too much credit in my opinion I tried vehemently to work something out. Help see the greater picture. I really did try.

    Fair enough. The ever idealistic optimist in me would hope that when there is a suitable official channel then his respect for Ray Franz and the work would ensure his support.

  • Hadriel

    @lanalonger yep I know.

    Many of these (DMCAs) are in the works guys. Don't worry either once everything is out there and legit again the pricing will be very nominal. There will be a few other things happening too which will really prove all the good intentions and so on. Just don't want to say just yet as its not my place nor is it inked sort of thing. But again the motivation is right I really believe that or I'd have nothing to do with it.

  • Ruby456

    thanks Hadriel for bringing this issue to light and as I was reading this thread I was reminded of how hard authors fight to protect their work and very often it is for the reason you have stated.

    • If there's no official source then the Watchtower themselves could changes a PDF of Ray's work and make it say whatever to disparage & discredit him right?

      These are the things some you almost have to assume and protect against. That takes time and resources period.

  • Ruby456

    re your questions

    Where do you stand? Do you think it is O.K. to promote bootleg copies of Crisis of Conscience? If yes, explain. No it is not okay to promote bootleg copies of COC. LLoyd tends to exaggerate and caricature and is often impatient and sounds like a stop at nothing kind of guy. I don't trust him in that mood.

    Since Ray Franz charged for the book himself so as to maintain and promote the book, is it not O.K. for the new copyright holder in which he entrusted this work to do the same? If no, explain.

    Absolutely yes it is okay to charge so as to maintain and promote the book.

    Should the correspondence between Lloyd and I be posted publicly?

    yes. cedars misunderstands big time and won't listen to reason. Plus he is very very popular and can do no wrong in many people's eyes - just like the bootleggers of old who distributed strong stuff that could make you ill.

  • Ruby456
    I do trust him overall though - just not in that mood
  • talesin
    I do trust him overall though - just not in that mood

    lmao - NICE!

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