It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DerekMoors
    He’s not accusing IICSA of being a part of the CSA problem which is sensational and counter-productive.

    That reminds me of when he was attacking domestic violence shelters and orgs online because he wrote some article about the WT's latest misogynistic rubbish and was tagging those shelters in tweets, but getting no response. Remember he had a counter or something on his timeline, counting how many days with no response and then said something about how THEY were failing DV victims?

    Literally, said that SHELTERS, whose sole purpose is to help victims, were the ones failing them simply because they weren't giving Lloyd attention.

    No, not the abusers and their enablers at the Kingdom Hall, they're not responsible for what happens to victims after the fact. DV shelters who weren't patting him on the back and retweeting his article were the ones failing the victims.

    Interesting that he thinks simply repeating his admissions about sex workers constitutes slander but he can crap all over DV shelters and the IICSA, and in his mind it's not only okay but heroic. Such a hypocritical ugly ass of a man.

  • WingCommander

    Truly, Evans is the Hemmeroid upon the exJW community's ass. An agitating irritation filled with puss and coated with scruffy hair. From time to time he pops and oozes his goo upon the community, but alas, there is no tube of Preparation-H large enough to take away the pain he inflicts. If only there were some surgical means of removal? Delete and Block work well, as does the "Unsubscribe" button. Ohhhh......that's gotta hurt!!! (his wallet)

  • slimboyfat

    You’re too kind

  • Diogenesister
    Besides, what are you gonna do if a UK government agency decides to come down on men like you as hard as you want them to do with the JWs? Human trafficking and sex tourism are all part of CSA, so be careful what you wish for, you filthy ass.

    Under the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 sex tourists who abuse minors can be prosecuted in the UK even if the act was legal in Thailand. There's no way on god's green earth they will allow that man within a mile of anything to do with combatting child abuse as a Thai sex pest tourist. Sickening.

    Anyone who works with children and does not report child sexual abuse should be prosecuted, the final report of a huge, seven-year inquiry has recommended.

    Sounds pretty good to me. They only have powers to recommend, not to dictate sentences. He has such a cheek to complain.

  • Diogenesister
    Remember he had a counter or something on his timeline, counting how many days with no response and then said something about how THEY were failing DV victims?
    Literally, said that SHELTERS, whose sole purpose is to help victims, were the ones failing them simply because they weren't giving Lloyd attention.

    Sorry, but....are you f#cking kidding me? He DID that?? What a git.

    They wouldn't even notice it merely by tagging the shelter anyway, too busy. These under funded places don't have 'social media managers' FFS. He can't quietly email them the info, because that doesn't get him any attention which is his primary reason for what he writes. Not protecting DV victims

  • DerekMoors
  • Vintage

    Others here have mentioned Barbara Anderson,... always speaking of her with respect and admiration. Through the years she has kept us informed of the progress, and sometimes lack of progress, in getting protection for children, and in getting some measure of justice after-the-fact.

    Shyla, the daughter of Kim and Mikey, commented on one of the forums of this site, that she asks the deaf in each locality how they would prefer that she sign the phrase meaning “CSA”. She shows respect for their sensibilities.

    Many valiant people have suffered reproach in an effort to give a platform to those who have suffered. They deserve so much better treatment than they have received.

    REPORT: “Jehovah’s Witnesses are mentioned many times in the report.)

    Title: Child protection in religious organisations and settings – Investigation report, September 2021

    From page 27: “PR-A6 was abused by a ministerial servant in the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Peter Stewart, who would quote scripture to her and tell her that Jehovah wanted them to spend time together, and that it was important to be obedient and respect her elders.187”

    From page 24: “12. In certain languages, there are no words for rape or sexual abuse, or for sexual organs.159 Clearly, this can make disclosure difficult from a practical perspective.”

    (I am unable to get the link to post. Sorry.)

  • DerekMoors

    One thing that really pisses me off about that is when he says that abused JW women are on their own because those orgs aren't responding to him. That takes the responsibility off the abuser! Whatever abuse victims suffer during the abuse and then afterwards, that's the fault of the abuser and their enablers (elders, etc.).

    But nice job Lloyd, taking blame away from the abusers and parking it elsewhere. Those abusive husbands must really appreciate you deflecting blame away from them. "Hey, look at what a horrible situation my abused ex-wife is in, and how it's totally the fault of those shelters and organizations. Aren't they terrible for leaving her on her own like that? Shameful how they've abandoned her."

    With friends like you, what abused woman needs enemies? POS.

    *Yes, I know men are abused too but I'm mentioning women because the WT always addresses abused women (and let's be honest, female victims will outnumber male victims in that cult) and that's whom Lloyd was discussing.

  • Vintage

    DerekMoors, I think what you’ve described is a variation on the “straw man argument” theme, from the study of logic. Either that or a “red herring”. I’m glad that you analyzed it here. I’ve been working on a different conundrum for almost a year. (I won’t try to talk about it “here and now”, because it’s off the subject.) Anyway, it hadn’t occurred to me to liken my issue to a “straw man” or a “red herring” until I read your analysis on what Lloyd did.

  • DerekMoors

    @Vintage Thank you for saying that. Glad my rants and ravings are useful LOL! Honestly, I seriously think a psychology student could write an entire thesis on Lloyd's behavior over the past decade. Talk about how cults like JWs attract or nurture or create narcissists, how he uses every pathetic trick in the book to shout down critics, his justification of visiting prostitutes (even saying "I didn't rape anyone..." Um, yes you did, you just paid someone else to do the dirty work of finding victims). The list goes on. He's a full study on intellectual dishonesties, narcissistic personality disorder, misogyny, virtue signaling, etc. Everything about what it means to be a complete ass wipe of a person.

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