It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Wakanda
    I step away for the weekend and 10 more pages pop up! Cedars must be LOVIN' all this attention!

    I step away and there are pages and pages popped up on JWN! Watchtower must be LOVIN' all this attention!

    Maybe if we ignore them both they will go away? (sarcasm)

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    There's some manipulation going on with the Patron numbers. First it was 552, then it bumped to 554, then down to 553. Now it's 556. As much as we dislike the man here, there are Cedarite groups all over Facebook, Discord and WhatsApp group texts. I know because I've infiltrated a few. Here's how it goes: Oh look at this one-star Goodreads review! We need to report it and upvote the 5 star ones! Might be the same with Patreon. Instead of the amount a husband/wife team pledges, they start another pledge at the lowest tier to prop him up. He manipulates those folks there, constantly threatening to quit activism altogether. Where he is at right now isn't a bad haul but at the same time it's not superstar level as he was headed to earlier this year.

    Ever hear of Athletic Alchemy? Probably not. He produces content on the NBA and started a little after Lloyd. Now check his Patrons:

    Lloyd isn't getting anywhere near 1000 and that's why he's so upset all the time because he was so close. His content is already suffering as he is taking time off to focus on litigation and it's plain for everyone to see his heart is just not in this anymore. No one is working with him so he's well on the road to irrelevance. I reckon it'll be a slow bleed from here on out.

  • NonCoinCollector

    I was wondering the same. Instead of one $10 patron, there could be ten $1 dollar patrons. I wonder if the fees Patreon takes goes up on the smaller pledges or if it is a set amount? Too bad the amount of money isn't as transparent as the number of patrons. That would show the real number.

  • lloydevansparody
    First it was 552, then it bumped to 554, then down to 553. Now it's 556.

    It makes perfectly sense. It depends on what payments methods Patrons use. Example. If I pay with Credit Card the processing fee takes a few days. Let's assume that you decide not to authorise the payment. It shows 'member' (you cannot access the page but technically you are still a member) for a few days until Mastercard or Visa withdraw the money. If I use Debit Card same process but shorter. It shows as member but the exact payment is not finalised. If it doesnt finalise then you lose the member. It's a number that fluctuates a lot. Paypal also has refund options. If payment goes through you can ask for a refund it within a certain time. Especially at the beginning of any months number fluctuates a lot.

    There is also the possibility that someone joined and forgot about it. Payments are processed. It happens more than you think.

    Patrons who cancelled in the previous month do not have access beyond the 1st of the month, however these patrons are not removed from your patron count and "Active" list until 12 midnight Pacific Time on the 3rd of each month. If you notice a sudden decrease in your patron count, it means that those cancelled patrons have been removed from your count.

  • Simon
    I wonder if the fees Patreon takes goes up on the smaller pledges or if it is a set amount?

    It looks like they take a platform fee which is a percentage (so 10 x $1 vs 1 x $10 would be the same) but they also take a payment processing fee. These are typically around 3% + $0.30c so would be a higher proportion of smaller transactions.

    I've seen other patreons that cap the number they allow (ha, imagine Lloyd ever saying "no thanks, no more contributions"? LOL) and they normally have churn / gaps opening at the end of the month. Seems to be how subscriptions are done where people sign-up for a billing month, and apparently it makes sense to join at the start otherwise you pay for a whole month and only get a few days of benefits.

  • lloydevansparody
    and apparently it makes sense to join at the start otherwise you pay for a whole month and only get a few days of benefits.

    Not all creators. Some allow you to have the benefits for free until the next monthly pledge runs. Lloyd (and others do the same) decided to charge immediately.

  • Diogenesister

    Interesting Lloyd can just take off on TWO trans continental trips in the space of two months, yet the qualified professional giving of their time - free and anonymously - would need some extra cash before she could even consider flying away on 'the trip of a lifetime' (If these are trips of a life time Lloyd must be a cat....with nine lives🤔).

    He's making a fluff about Kim pointing out his 'company/business earnings' - It is a business -Yet he was doing this very thing about Watchtower not so long ago.

    He maintains Watchtower is a damaging cult and he is merely an individual. Ok. But they both have something in common...both live off of donations from people who believe in their work as 'humanitarian'.

    Meanwhile they are both running a profitable business.

    Neither Watchtower's leaders nor Lloyd are noticeably affluent. Yet both lead relatively leasurely lifestyles, enjoying world travel & people keen to meet them arranging and paying for their accomodation. Not forgetting never having to fight their way through the rush hour traffic to get to work.

    I believe it fair that people therefore demand transparency around Lloyds earnings and that his expenditure is at least compatible with the principals he campaigns about.

  • Simon
    Neither Watchtower's leaders nor Lloyd are noticeably affluent. Yet both lead relatively leasurely lifestyles, enjoying world travel & people keen to meet them arranging and paying for their accomodation. Not forgetting never having to fight their way through the rush hour traffic to get to work.

    To be fair, the governing body at least run a comb through their hair before going on camera.

  • wannaexit

    To be fair, the governing body at least run a comb through their hair before going on camera.

    So true! I always wondered why lloyd always looks so unkempt. I hate to say it but he should take a few lessons from the gb

  • vienne

    A few lessons from then Governing Body? And a good bath.

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