It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Route-666

    So slovenliness is the new middle fingered salute to WT? Or is it to the audience at large? Refusing to adhere to basic standards of grooming and cleanliness is not a compromise of one's "journalistic" integrity. I noticed they cleaned him up for the LR show and the more recent one where he's sitting alone on a stool somewhere. (Sorry, forgot the name.) Real journalists understand the importance of looking professional. It's not like he's reporting from a war zone or the middle of a natural disaster. And yet those real journalists still manage to look better than Lloyd at his best.

    PS - Can you imagine him going off on Lisa Remini the way he does on the plebs?

  • Simon
    And at some point, when he's run off all of the Michele Birch's out there, he'll complain bitterly about how no one wants to support him, how exJWs live only to see him crumble and fall.

    He thinks we're all jealous of him. Yeah, 'cause we all want to be failed husbands and failed men who can't please their wives and have to visit hookers to get their jollies. The sure sign of "manliness" (not).

    So slovenliness is the new middle fingered salute to WT? Or is it to the audience at large? Refusing to adhere to basic standards of grooming and cleanliness is not a compromise of one's "journalistic" integrity.

    I think Lloyd lives in simplistic exJW world, which to be fair way too many others also occupy (which may explain why he still has support). In this world what the says WTS is always automatically views as bad, so you live opposite to whatever they say. If they say to brush your hair, dress smartly and appear respectable, you don't. If they say be faithful and honest to your partner, you sleep with hookers. If they tell you to eat healthy and exercise, you do your best to look like a sweaty potato.

    How else would people know you hate the WTS so much? Obviously, you keep their books in pristine condition in a glass case, with lights to show them off, and you use their language and behavior at every opportunity, even naming tiers of your patreon subscriptions after their beliefs, because you don't want to distance yourself too much!

    After all, the point of opposite-world is really about the excuse it gives you to behave like a slime-ball, while claiming you can't help it because you were brought up in a mildly conservative religious family like many millions of other people who are living happy lives in successful marriages.

    Lloyd failed as a JW, he failed as an elder, he failed as a husband and he's failing as an exJW "CSA activist". Heck, he even failed with his "I'm taking a break" non-apology because he now fails to manipulate people anymore.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    There is still a lot of resentment in the Spanish speaking community due to the way he hassled people over providing credentials for volunteer work. All for a translation which never happened.

  • NonCoinCollector

    LMSA, I don't know much about this part of the Lloyd Evans story. What happened while begging for free Spanish translators?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    LMSA, I don't know much about this part of the Lloyd Evans story. What happened while begging for free Spanish translators?

    I commented on this before. To sum it up, as his FB post suggested, he wanted volunteer translators who would share with him details on their background and professional skills (again, asking for private information). He implied it was an issue of trust, namely he was paranoid the translators would share digital copies of the book should he have distributed it to them. So he only gave out one chapter each to different translators, which is a horrible idea as anyone ever involved in translation can attest to. A few asked for more chapters out of contextual reasons and also to see for themselves what kind of book this was. He was firm in his denial, all but accusing them of wanting to distribute it illegally. One translator volunteered the information that he had a PDF of the book already.

    Lloyd booted him off the project and doxxed him (remember the request for "background" information in the FB post above?) by revealing his location (Hermosillo, Mexico). As of today no non-English copies of TRA have been printed despite the many hours of hard work unpaid volunteers put in. Lloyd was too paranoid about copies being distributed despite his flippant attitude when it came to him and his friend printing off COC bootlegs.

  • NonCoinCollector

    Okay, so Lloyd understands copyright law when it applies to his own book, just not others. Got it. Thanks for the summary of what took place.

  • Diamondfrog

    Again, from the snippets of his book that have been posted here, it appears to be so badly written that it’s a wonder anyone would want to read it let alone buy it. Not to mention the actual content being repulsive and quite uninteresting.

  • lloydevansparody

    A book full of anger towards women, narcissism, sex obsession for girls, masturbation, bullying, hypocrisy, unverifiable events and so on shouldn't be translated into any language. It's been a stomach turning reading this book these days. A DID expert helped and couldn't believe he wrote what he wrote with so many red flags ignored.

  • Simon
    He was firm in his denial, all but accusing them of wanting to distribute it illegally.

    But I heard as long as you gave it away, it wasn't violating copyright?

    Oh wait, that was Lloyd wanting to pirate someone else's book. Different rules for his own ...

  • Toblerone5

    :astonished: Thank you DIOGENESISTER! :laughing:

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