It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • vienne

    I see that someone, maybe the same person, down votes criticism of Lloyd. That someone should speak his piece. Tell us why he approves of Lloyd despite his self-revelations.

  • Simon
    Evans is switching to an "advice to the lovelorn/talk show host" format

    You gotta be real desperate to seek life-advice from someone who drove their own into a ditch!

    After his recent confessions, it is difficult to take his critique of the Watchtower seriously.

    Yeah, what does he think he's going to say about anything morality related?

  • Simon
    I see that someone, maybe the same person, down votes criticism of Lloyd. That someone should speak his piece. Tell us why he approves of Lloyd despite his self-revelations.

    Yeah, John Redwood can fuck off with his constant downvoting things. What a negative nelly!

    I wonder if it's him or Lloyd using the account?

  • Chinapomo

    Will Lloyd start to realize he's doing something wrong since even his Patreon numbers are in steady decline? I think not. He'll probably claim persecution next. Oh wait. That's exactly what he's done already. Lmao. He's turned himself into a cheap version of the borg

  • NonCoinCollector

    I didn't play Lloyd's latest video, but I did pause it before it began just to see what the comments were a few minutes ago. Before the confession a video of his would have 300 or more comments in the first day. Today's video was a whole 59 comments. Most were saying how great it was to have him back, how much they missed him, and how great his videos are. That echo chamber is going to get very old, very fast! No idea if the video was any good or not as I won't be watching them. No ad revenue either from my click.

  • NonCoinCollector

    This is being shared on Twitter today. Lloyd should make T-shirts with this on it.

  • Simon

    What a way to welcome new followers, but at least he's being honest for once ...

    (I know, that's not what it was, but it fits him so so well!)

  • MeanMrMustard

    Ahh crap.. Ziva2010 and DouglasKMurray... you'll have to be added to the...

  • ozziepost
    Evans is switching to an "advice to the lovelorn/talk show host" format.

    A bit like tabloid TV

  • LoveUniHateExams

    DouglasKMurray - is this the Douglas Murray?

    Murray in 2019

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