Balaamsass2 says that the WT should get out of the spy and cop business. I'm intrigued to know if they now use codenames to cover secret identities. Like "Deep Throat" from Watergate...
Where is Tony?
by Athanasius 266 Replies latest jw friends
But they are getting suspicious. Just the other day, one brother wondered aloud who "Mony Torris" was.
Since there haven't been any Tony sightings in Lumberton, NC, it is possible that the Watchtower never planned to send him there.
The GB is no doubt aware of the problems they would face if the exJW community found Tony and talked to him. So my guess is that the Lumberton property purchase was a ruse to distract exJWs while the Watchtower relocated Tony somewhere else. Where? One can only guess. But one thing for sure is that the GB doesn't want Tony talking to exJWs.
It’s possible they changed plans when his whereabouts because known, but I doubt they anticipated a YouTuber sleuth to find AMIII’s whereabouts and publicise it to all and sundry in the first place so as to incorporate that into their strategy.
You are probably right, Slim.
I'm sure Tony would be a gold mine of information if the exJW community could get him to talk. But the fact is that the Watchtower has gone to a lot of trouble to keep him under wraps. So I don't think we will hear much from AM3 anytime soon.
The intrigue is palpable!
If you ever cross paths remember to use the correct sign and countersign:
You: The moulting dove sings a mournful song
AM3: I like my butterfish with extra butter
What surprises me is that he doesn't appear to be attending meetings. If he were, I'm sure we'd know by now.
Does this mean Toni has apostacized? No longer in sync with the GB, has he been disfellowshipped? That would explain his removal from all media. If he'd just stepped down, why remove all trace of him??!
NB Slim is right, it's highly unlikely they foresaw an exjw you tuber checking land registry in order to track "Mony (he sure is) Torris" down !
Are GB subject to the meeting requirements? He may have special dispensation due to the circumstances.
Are GB subject to the meeting requirements? He may have special dispensation due to the circumstances
You are probably correct Notty.
Does this mean Toni has apostacized?
[Sigh] oh well....a girl can dream I suppose!🤷🏻♀️
Whoever gets the scoop on ToMo3 will have a ton of views. It’s only a matter of time, he can’t hide inside forever.
This is why the silence is deafening.
They can’t just pretend he was never on the gb and hope people can forget him. They tried to delete every picture and video but the longer it goes on the worse it will be when the truth comes out which is inevitable.