It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3010 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    And is there a reason for this glacially slow behaviour?

    It is in his interest to keep this going with no resolution. He gets to keep labeling people as criminals by his reckoning. It's a show - nothing else.

    It's also because the case will be thrown out and the longer this gets drawn out, the more understanding his patrons and financial supporters will be. However, a dismissal and possible counter-suit that gains traction undermines his narrative that he's being persecuted. It would actually shine a light on the fact that he is the one being abusive and attempting to destroy their lives with his excessive financial demands and criminal punishment.

  • slimboyfat

    I wonder if I’ll be able to grow a full beard in the time it takes his Lordship to get off his ass and make a token video about the Watchtower change of policy. 🤔

    Don’t bother yourself LE, I just checked and there are already half a dozen Youtube videos on the topic, others have got this already, you can go back relax, or whatever it is you do.

  • Jehalapeno

    I can't believe y'all did a Lloyd action figure including all those accessories, and yet you didn't include any Scuba gear. Missed opportunity!

  • Toblerone5
    I’ll be able to grow a full beard in the time it takes his Lordship to get off his ass and make a token video about the Watchtower change of policy

    1: 50 pm in California right now. He still have all afternoon to make a video , will he ? He can't have the excuse of not being in his attic, he did an interview from his hotel room not to long ago. But then it would mean his worshippers would know he's not in croatia right now... Can't make a comment on Twitter about that either... I think Stephen lett have time to grow a beard before he actually make a video about that...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    he is in the USA until the 27th of December.

    Another Christmas missed for such a great man and a father. Not that their holiday is screwed as I am sure Mrs Evans has not only a holiday tree but possibly a new man that her and the girls can share their company with.

    Isn't this the plot of a Nicolas Cage movie?

    In the good old days of Jabba the Hutt, he'd have an exclusive scoop about this several days before the new beard rule came out. Nowadays he's camped in some Sunset Strip hotel wondering if the hooker he just banged really liked him.

    (That's the plot of a famous Richard Gere movie)

  • Toblerone5
    you didn't include any Scuba gear. Missed opportunity!

    omg your right! Fix it !😜

  • Diogenesister

    😭🤣🤣🤣☠️👍Tobey5 & Jalapeno

  • Ron.W.

    That is superb!


  • usualusername1

    Mae Muller who entered Eurovision this year for the UK has been added to the lawsuit.

    🎵When you said you were leaving

    To work on your mental health

    You didn't mention the cheating, yeah

    You kept that one to yourself🎵

  • DerekMoors

    I don't know who these 2 are but it looks like they just started doing exJW videos about 3 months ago, only 3.65K subscribers, and their videos are almost at Lloyd's view count.

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