It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yooters

    I think Tibor has moved in with Djana as the new Lloyd 2.0 version— since he’s more gracious!

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I think Tibor has moved in with Djana as the new Lloyd 2.0 version

    One would hope that she learnt her lesson about being involved with chronically underemployed men.

  • ozziepost

    Just thinking aloud (as it were) here:

    do you think (or know) if Dijana keeps up with things here?

    Send her a cheerio, she’s sure earned it.

    owyergoin gal?


  • Ron.W.

    It's certainly possible.

    I bet Dijana is sorry she ever laid eyes on that crud encrusted lazy lump now.

  • WingCommander

    Oh goody! March 13th: An upload review of the 10 worst JW videos of 2023.

    Gee, isn't that about 3 months LATE? This would of been a good video to end December '23 with, Lloyd!

    2024 already has plenty of newsworthy things to talk about Lloyd, and that's not even including the doctrinal/policy shifts and changes.

    Get off your chins, fat boi and do the work you promised your paying Patreons!

  • DerekMoors

    4000 views in 17 hours. Pathetic.

    To keep people updated with news, he'd have to do actual research. Before, he had Redwood and whomever else spoon feeding him information. He's too lazy to check news sites, get organized about stories, etc., so it's more of him just regurgitating videos and spouting off his opinions... which is super easy peasy to do with JWs. "They think everyone will be disintegrated... charming, isn't it?" Wow, so deep. So detailed. So much work and effort went into that. zzzzzzzz

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    so it's more of him just regurgitating videos and spouting off his opinions

    He reminded the viewer that he stopped doing rebuttals last year in the first segment, so with the exception of the Isaac sacrifice video rebuttal, all of these rebuttals were from last year. 95% of the video was recycled from previous rebuttals. He then appeared in an outro thanking "2023 Lloyd".

    You'll see footage of him at Ramacro, thanking Tibor, and his ever changing hair colour and length. One thing that stood out was how energetic he was in the early videos, especially the Ramacro ones. These were the ones where he was riding high on his begging bounce. As he returned to his flat to film, the fire had gone out of his voice and his rebuttals were terse. In contrast he spent long minutes going on and on about trans people in one of the Ramacro videos.

    One point he tried to drill that made little sense was how the book of Deuteronomy only forbade men from dressing like women, not necessarily transitioning to women. Uhhh, if the Bible writers thought men dressing as a woman was a sin, surgery to become one was even more of one. He needs to think critically and not be so eager to virtue signal.

  • Diogenesister
    One point he tried to drill that made little sense was how the book of Deuteronomy only forbade men from dressing like women, not necessarily transitioning to women.

    Riiiiight......even bronze age tribal peoples understood human biology well enough to know men can't change sex.....

    ......but then if Rutherford was doo- lally enough to think men becoming women was a "well established fact" why not cult leader 2.0 Lloyd "Evan's Gate" Evan's?

  • WingCommander

    Oh, so he's OPENLY talking about Trans issues and men becoming women? "A clue, Watson!"

    Lett's all remember what he really went to Thailand for: Not exactly to seek out prostitutes (which are legal in countries closer to him like Amsterdam) but specific TYPES of prostitutes that fit his perverted fetishes: AKA: surfing the brown eye with the Thai Lady-Boyz!

    Make no mistake: If Lloyd could find and buy the perfect Thai LadyBoi (who wouldn't be 100% repulsed by his shear appearance) he'd move house to Thailand to live out his days as he pleases doing who all knows what.

  • Pasta_Hour

    I hope everyone is doing well. A quick update on the "criminal" lawsuit against the Magnificent 7

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