I know that you have put me on your "don't respond" list but I have a question for you. I have a Porsche that is sitting at a friends house waiting for a new engine (I blew it up about five years ago) and might be fixed some time this fall (right before Armageddon). My question is, would you like to have it when I die at Armageddon?
I know all you JW's have other peoples homes and stuff picked out to take over once we are all dead and the birdies are done eating our eyeballs, but I didn't want anyone taking my Porsche that I didn't know. It's black with gold BBS wheels and a nice German stereo in it. It will be great for listening to kingdom songs on the radio, that is if you guys will have anyone around that knows how to run a radio station, or can keep the electronics in the station working, or make the new parts needed when things break or can keep the power stations working to send electricity to the radio station so you to listen to kingdom songs or call all the resurrected prophets of old on the phone to invite them over for a vegetarian dinner cooked over a camp fire.
If you want I'll leave a note on the front windshield that says "reserved for Robert King after I die at Armageddon and the birds eat my eyes out." If another JW gets to it before you do I'm sure he will leave it alone and go pick some other guys car once he reads the windshield. I'm sure the new head guys in Brooklyn will have god tell you via a burning bush that there is a new law about who gets what and how to stake you claim to all the dead peoples stuff.
I'd leave you the title but I'm sure all the DMV people will be dead along with the rest of us so it won't matter. Just be careful at cross streets, I'm sure all the traffic light people will be dead so the lights might not be working I'd hate to see you get broadside by another JW driving his stolen.....I mean ......confiscated new Lexus.
You will need to put premium gas in it, normally that would be expensive but since all the gas station attendants will be dead gas will probably be free until it all runs out. Once god teaches one of you guys to run an oil refinery then you can put what ever they make in it, it won't matter then.
Since no one will ever die or get hurt you won't have to worry about insurance. I'm sure god is going to whack all those lying cheating bastard insurance guys right after he wipes out all the DMV people and those lazy ass people that work at the post office, and those damn telemarketing people who call you at dinner time, I'm sure god hates them as much as I do, ...those bastards! (sorry, got off the track a bit)
It also has a portable phone in it but since all the phone people will be dead you won't be able to call anyone until god teaches some of you to run the entire international phone switching stations. If you need to call someone you can pop up the sun roof and yell as loud as you can.
When the tires ware down I'm sure you can just go to an abandoned tire store and get new ones. There will probably be a tun of JW's who have tire store experience and they can set you right up. That is if they have time to spare from swimming in their pool in their new mansion. You may have to wait until all the chemicals in their pool go bad and they turn it into a garden to grow those basket ball sized radishes.
The tires on it should be good for about a year so you have plenty of time for the pool chemicals to turn the tire guys new pool to a bug infested swamp. There will still be bugs won't there? you will need bugs for the environment. God isn't going to kill all the bugs is he? He's going to save them like he did on Noah's ark isn't he? Maybe that will be you new job Robert, a bug wrangler. Someone will have to be in charge of all the bugs eating up all our rotting flesh. That sounds like a job you'd like Robe......damn, there I go getting of the subject again, sorry.
Just in case god decides that none of you need cars and that gas burning cars will pollute the earth and you all end up riding horses and camels will you please give my car a proper burial. I know that is asking a lot since you will have to bury about a billion or so cars to get rid of them all but I would feel a lot more comfortable if my car is handled personally by you, my favorite survivor guy.
Well, that's it. I hope you have fun in my car. It's great for picking up chicks and stuff. That is if you are still allowed to do stuff and there are any chicks left picking up. Obey all the traffic signs if they are still standing and try not to take it over 150 miles per hour in forth gear. It tends to blow the hell out of the motor.
Thanks pal and I hope you live happily ever after.
PS: Shit! I just remembered, your going die sometime after Armageddon and go to heaven! Never mind. PSS: Any idea on how god is going to kill ya?
Edited by - seven006 on 10 June 2002 19:47:30