by You Know 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    3.5 horsemen

    What about the U.S and U.S.S.R during the Cuban missile fracas?

    The USSR and the US never went to war. I said no two nuclear armed nations have ever faced off in DIRECT warfare. The USSR and US fought through proxies during the Cold War and never actually went at each other directly. The Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962 certainly had the potential to get very ugly, but the fact that the two nations were not at that time in a hot war greatly minimized the danger of a nuclear launch. On the other hand, India and Pakistan have already fought several conventional wars and stand poinsed to fight another one, only this time they both have nukes. That's the difference.

    And regarding the financial situation, there is a long way to go before you see 1930's depression environment.

    Not really, the system can collapse virtually overnight and far surpass the hardships of the Great Depression. Too, back then a much larger percentage of people lived on farms and were relatively self-sufficient. That's not the case now. Now, virtually everyone is indirectly dependent upon the whims and vagaries of giant bankrupt rapacious hedge funds and various other instituitons that control vast sums of money tied to the average person's pensions and retirement, and savings, and stuff, the blowout of which can easily overwhelm the ability of every government on earth to deal with. Just to put things in perspective. There are over 400 trillion dollars of paper claims against a mere 40 trillion dollars of actual economy. That is way beyond the point of bankruptcy.

    Was not Job born long after God's covenant with Abraham and the nation of Israel

    Yes and no. Actually, Abraham did not institute the nation of Israel. He is of course the father of Israel, but the nation itself, as an institution, an organization of God, did not come into existence until after the Exodus. Apparently Job lived after Abraham, but before the Exodus, or perhaps during the same period of the Exodus. At any rate, Jesus was part of God's physical organization, and he also instituted a spiritual organization, over which he remains the head. No human can have a relationship with Jehovah except through Jesus and the congregation he oversees. That's pretty basic stuff. / You Know

  • ballistic

    You know, are you willing to wait all your life for the great tribulation?

  • 4horsemen

    Actually, YK few people are aware of the reality of the magnitude of derivative exposure. Quite fascinating. I believe its greater than 10:1 now

    Basically the bookies have layed off their risk to such an extent that when New Jersey Nets finally (in some decade) beat the Lakers and the rubes come to collect, they wont be able to. The bookies for their part have come to rely on the vigorish,leverage and interest they've concocted and are intoxicated with the shell game.

    The bookies will simply "create" some other currency. Just like when Rome bellied up. Or Greece. Or Spain. Or the U.K. There are more than twice as many US dollars in circulation OUTSIDE the U.S than in it. That is not a healthy situation. Especially when those countries come a calling. The is just starting to roll over and Im very curious to see the actions of the world banks. When 25% of banks credit card divisions profits come from late fee charges and they keep lending more, well...


    Who considers the denarius in their cross-currency transactions?

    Tell me the name of the currency of Assyria. A former biblical world "power"

    Why does no one have near the amount of 1 drachma invested and compounded since the time of the Christ? Because he'd own the world. And that would interfere with the bookies game.

    Just a guess on my part but when and if the $ implodes, the "bookies" in the govts will institute a Euro rollout type process to maintain stability. Of course you'll have peso like inflation but whats one fiat currency among others? The Swiss franc and gold will be bid up, and the bookies will rotate just like they always do to their next scam. Gobbling up "real" assets at depression like prices.

    Same old, same old.

    The question remains: Was Job a jew? If not, what organization did he belong to? And if he was not a jew and was no card carrying member of the Israelites, how the hell did he have God's favor?

    Or for that matter, Paul aka Saul of Tarsus? Or Cornelius? And why Abel and not Cain? Or Issac and not Esau?

    Seems to be lots of conditions with no consistent application of the necessities of maintaining those conditions.

    Ive related this numerous times. I never realized the magnitude of JW's only survivor mentality until I witnessed at a hospice of sorts for the elderly. Some of those great people had suffered strokes, or were just as disabled by depression of age/health problems. Some didn't even comprehend if it was daytime or night, and when as this thread says "it goes down to the wire" they DIE?

    Why? Because they're not part of the JW fold? Because they cant pull out a NO BLOOD card from their wallet/purse? That is crazy.

    And you Robert? Could you really kill a kid because his PARENTS were not on the Watchtower subscription list?

  • You Know
    You Know

    You simply can't separate the world into 2 succinct classes of 6 million and 6.194 billion.

    I have no intention of making any such seperation, but, Jehovah has outlined how He proposes to make just such a separation into two distinct camps during the coming tribulation.

    To say that these good simple people living their lives are going to destroy and eat each other is simply not true.

    You have no basis to say that that is not going to happen except that you don't want it to happen, again, just wishful thinking. The Scriptures of course say otherwise. As a matter of fact Jehovah specifically foretold how during the Babylonian seige of Jerusalem the desperate Jews would eat their own children and history verifies that they did that very thing on two differnet occasions. And those things stand as a pattern for the horror that awaits this world.

    The great majority of mankind do not have any money whether real or fiat and yet they survive.

    So, then, are saying that Wall Street brokers, for instance, will make an easy transition from eating steak and potatoes to rooting for grubs and berries in Central Park?

    So unlike him I do not LOL at this serious situation.

    I am not laughing in the face of extinction. My undying scorn and derision is directed to the apostate ridiculers who scoff at reality and Jehovah's word. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    What can the wall street bankers take away from the 4 billion people who already live in poverty.


    They aren't eating each other now, why should we believe that when Americans lose their money, they will start then.

    3rd world countries, assuming they aren't instantaneously vaporized by nuclear war, will have less dislocation than people living in the affluent lands. But, you are wrong about people not eating each other. Hundreds of people were killed a few years back when the Indonesian economy was collapsed. Also, Argentines are on the verge of panic and anarchy because of the collapse of the banking system there.

    The vast majority of the world still lives barely about the hunter gatherer stage of human cultural development. Man will eventually return to this stage.

    Jehovah's judgments are directed primarily against the Anglo-American system of things. And when that system collapses things will revert to a more primative state of affairs. What LaRouche calls a New Dark Age. Of course there are a number of prophecies that factor into the equation.

    As I said above, waiting for God to fix things will hasten mankind's doom.

    Well, by all means get out there and save your world before it's too late.

    You do not see mass cannibalism in any culture, including the cultures where 100's starve to death every day.

    That's not the point. The point is that when faced with deprivation people will be reduced to a dog-eat-dog brutal fight for existence. / You Know


    Hey Dave,Just read your post to me(LOL).Good one!...OUTLAW

  • Valis

    OUTLAW, isn't it time someone hijack this thread? I mean how many pages does the token troll boy get?

    BTW, how was the hike today?


    District Overbeer

  • You Know
    You Know

    OUTLAW, isn't it time someone hijack this thread? I mean how many pages does the token troll boy get?

    Hijack away! I am always game for a little diversion. Maybe you and your fellow clown can do the cyber equivalent of Bozo and Clairabel juggling while on a unicycle routine? / You Know

  • Valis

    Ah You Know, I see that superior JW logic has kicked in, however your snide remark must be a projection on your part. I have a simple question for You Know. Lets pervert reality for a moment and assume the end comes and its judgement day....What would be You Know's standing with Jehovah? BTW, I would much rather be a clown than a troll any day and as Captain Ahahb said in Moby Dick, "a greater idiot never scolds a lesser....."


    Hey Valis,the hike was yesterday.!6 miles up and down mountain sides.Dam my feet hurt after that.Even the dog was bagged,He cut one of his pads open and bled a bit.We stopped by a moutian stream It was about 10 inch`s deep. The dog was so hot and tired he just layed down in the cold mountain water.I rubbed him down in the water,he did better after that.We still had 1 1/2 hrs to hike at that point.When we got home I poured myself a cold brewski.Did that go down good or what!(LOL).......We now return you to the thread about nothing..LOL...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 12 June 2002 12:23:2

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 12 June 2002 12:54:39

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