Let's see now, Booby. You've been geysering the same shit for how many years now?
by You Know 112 Replies latest jw friends
Let's see now, Booby. You've been geysering the same shit for how many years now?
God doesn't need us or the Watchtower.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is nothing.
okay, compare these two quotes with this one:
One thing, though, that is very elementary is that there is only one true faith, and the Scriptures are very clear that God draws all of his own into one association.
so, which is it? (i know youll say both).........either god doesnt need the wt, and the wt is "nothing", or god does need the wt in order to draw "all of his own into one association", unfortunately, you cant have it both ways......simple logic. i do not expect you to admit this contradiction, as you are always too blind with your own arrogance to admit any of your obvious contradictions.
Does anybody really know what time it is?http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/middle_east/newsid_1844000/1844935.stm
/ You Know
should we now worry about this nuclear clock, the same one that has only EVER been as far as 17 whole minutes away from midnight? LOL.
My oversight. Here ya go >http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1999/lar_mad_brzezinski_2614.html
its good to see youre still quoting the insane, i wouldnt have it any other way. i thank you for this particular link though, and ill tell you why. ive noticed in larouches writings, this one included, that he constantly makes analogies between our present day life and fictional characters/writings/movies, etc. (i.e., bozo the clown). in this link >>> http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/2002/2918laputa_bush.html, he compares our society to two seperate fictional films, he compares washington d.c. with gullivers travels, and he compares our nation with the denmark of shakespears hamlet. he does this to make a point, to show the ridiculous nature of some of the goings on in our world today.......compare these ideas with these statements from you to me:
I think you have well demonstrated the childish mindset of many Americans, and apostate ridculers in particular, who prefer the fantasy land of popular entertainment and media culture, and as a result have become so habituated by their childish preference that they are unable to deal with reality without taking flight into cartoon land.>>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=27088&site=3&page=3
I saw the movie. It was pure propaganda, sort of like Refer Maddness, produced by the establishment in order to make anyone who believes in a conspiracy appear to be unbalanced and ridiculous. It is most predictable that you would buy into that sort of Hollywood nonsense and use it to discredit anyone who disagrees with the MSNBC version of reality that you have swallowed hook, line, and sinker. / You Know>>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=11029&site=3&page=21
in case you cant see the comparison im making here, ill spell it out. these two statements were in response to me comparing you to fiction (spiderman and the movie conspiracy theory) in order to show the ridiculous nature of your ravings. when i have made these analogies, you have then accused me of being "unable to deal with reality", and buying into "hollywood nonsense". perhaps larouche too is "unable to deal with reality", and perhaps he must "take flight into cartoon land" by comparing reality with fiction as he has such a tendency to do (surely you dont consider bozo the clown to be a solid reference, lol). and perhaps, just perhaps, youll completely ignore this entire display of your hypocrisy (accusing me of being immersed in fantasy land by simply making the same types of fictional analogies that larouche does, and then quoting larouche as if he were a genius), becuase you will have no solid response. bottom line is, either your hero is detached from reality, or your reasoning skills have much to be desired........more than likely both, lol.
Edited by - dubla on 11 June 2002 11:17:36
I have a question for you, YouKnow. You wrote:
So, there's simply no such thing as a faithful Christian apart from God's congregation. You are just fooling yourself if you think you can have a stand alone relationship with Jehovah apart from those who are similarly devoted to God. It doesn't work that way.
What is your personal situation? I'm seem to believe you have not been going to the meetings at the local hall for quite some time because you have disagreements with the organization. if so, do you meet with similar-minded folks? Do you go to a different church?
Hey You Know,
Thanks to us "ankle biters", you've been hobbled. You can't walk anywhere around the 'hovah OR ex 'hovah forums without stumbling and crawling around. People notice your slithering techniques. You leave a slimy trail wherever you go that people take note of.
You can't "stand" around here. Everyone notices the demented slobbering fool flailing around on the floor.
Obviously, the ridiculers have no rebuttal to such devastating logic, except the typical childish retorts and diversions. If any one had a sensible reply surely you would be quick to post it? / You Know
Hey YK,rubber bands?..Snappy come back!..You reinforce my previous post..LOL...OUTLAW
Edited by - OUTLAW on 11 June 2002 11:39:53
I am one of Jehovah's Witness. I go to meetings and out in service and all of that. However, I draw the line at underlining the answers in the Watchtower. LOL / You Know
: The prevailing mindset of apostate ridiculers crackpot prognosticators is a study in irrationality and self delusion.
Look in the mirror and tell the truth, You Know. You might not like what you see.
If any one had a sensible reply surely you would be quick to post it? / You Know
there have been many sensible replies (usually they dont warrant a response according to your reasoning), but even so, i wonder why you you are under the impression that your nonsense demands a sensible reply.?.
quoting myself:
and perhaps, just perhaps, youll completely ignore this entire display of your hypocrisy.....becuase you will have no solid response.
wow, chalk up another correct prediction for dubla. either my prophetic abilities are far more advanced than yours, or you are just as predictable as you are delusional.