okay. replies to follow....but first, dont accuse me of being a slithering weasel just because i wasnt aware that you now had shifted your entire focus to one post rather than the whole thread discussion.
This is a direct quote from myself in regards to your claim that there were many who responded. I wrote: I was referring specifically to my most recent post regarding the delusional irrationality of apostate reasonings. If you weren't aware of what I was talking about that doesn't reflect well on your own intelligence. I think though you are simply being dishonest.
i think its ridiculous to sit around and shout about how terrible the world is becoming, and why its all going to come crashing down "any day now" with absolutely no facts to substantiate it.
For one thing, talk of nuclear war and financial collapse is fairly common place today, at least among sober-minded individuals who are not immersed in fantasy and delusion. So, it's not like I am some lone voice in the wilderness. Government officials make daily comments, practically, about some aspect of nuclear war or terrorism. Same thing in regards to the financial system. No doubt, since you admit the system will end eventually, more than likely you just don't want to hear anything that might disturb the fantasy world that you prefer to live in. That is a big part of what motivates those who would ridicule reality. I come armed with hundreds of facts, and I always provide links to various articles to prove my points, not to mention the prophecies. For you to claim there are "absolutely no facts to substantiate it" is more an indication of your own intellectual dishonesty and moral depravity than any lack on my part.
i think the system (financially speaking anyhow) is cyclical, and yes we will have dips and recoveries, and each dip doesnt neccesarily mean the whole thing is teetering on collapse.
I have proven many times that the the coming crash is systemic and not cyclical. The system is fundamentally flawed and cannot perpetuate itself indefinetly, and is in fact in its death-throes. It's not even worth discussing again. It is an indisputable fact that the present financial system has not existed long enough to go through a long term cycle. Some features, like derivatives, didn't even exist ten years ago. So to talk about cyclical dips and recoveries is nonsense and betrays, again, that you lack a basic understanding about how the present system works.
you assume this just because we all say "this" or "that" has happened before......what you dont realize is that line of reasoning is just to say "look yk, there are past examples of calamatous times just as bad as these, so dont get your panties in a knot waiting for the big boom".
That's the point. That's exactly the sort of irrational delusion I am talking about. It is, of course ,complete and utter nonsense. This has NOT happened before---ever. For one thing, there has never existed until the last few years a truely intergrated global electronic financial system. So how can you have had a global financial collapse before a global financial system ever existed? You can't. So, if the apostate reasons that "all this stuff has happened before," it is simply not true. It is a delsuion. Same thing with the threat of nuclear war. To date no two nuclear armed nations have EVER faced off in direct combat, as India and Pakistan are now poised to do. So, for you to intimate that such calamities have happened in the past is sheer fabrication. It is an irrational delusion that you are perpetuating upon yourself. The possiblity of terrorists using weapons of mass destruction on Americans was absolutely unthinkable until just a few months ago, yet now the government is planning for that eventuality. For you to pretend that such things are just a part of the way things are is simply preposterous, and again, delusional and irrational.
Rather than bebutt my post you have simply confirmed that my observations are valid, namely that all apostate ridiculers are delusional and irrational. But, hey, at least you gave it a go. / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 11 June 2002 15:53:13