by You Know 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    Things are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.

    On the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off WWIII, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it. The next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised India and Pakistan. And of course the Middle East is a tinderbox merely waiting the necessary spark to explode into ultra violence with dire regional and earth-wide ramifications. Ominously, officials now concede that in all likelihood terrorists are already in possession of pack-pack nuclear weapons from the hundred, or so, missing from the Soviets arsenal. In the US a dirty bomb plot has just recently been foiled. http://www.cnn.com/

    Of note, the would-be bomber apparently being a US Hispanic citizen indicates that the world is much more dangerous than anyone would like to believe. Underlying the demons obvious relentless drive to initiate a global holocaust is the ongoing collapse of the physical economy, which is causing the whole system to become extremely unstable. Kingdom come or not, time appears to be about up for this present system of things. Of course, factoring in the metastasizing apostasy and the general malaise within the organization it is evident that Jehovahs judgment is imminent.

    Like a mighty man Jehovah himself will go forth.

    Like a warrior he will awaken zeal.

    He will shout, yes, he will shout a way cry;

    Over his enemies he will show himself mightier

    / You Know


    Edited by - You Know on 10 June 2002 14:29:40

    Edited by - You Know on 10 June 2002 14:33:46

  • ashitaka

    and he will kill EVERYONE except for about one million people (taking into account gross sinners who are Witnesses, as an elder once said to me). God of love, indeed.

  • You Know
    You Know

    No, the way it's going to go down Jehovah is simply going to allow you to kill and eat each other. / You Know

  • Farkel

    You Know,

    What happifying circumstances for you. Let's celebrate this joyous occassion!


  • ashitaka

    It's nice of him, all the same.

  • bonovox


    Could you kindly offer any insider perspective on my question, contained in this thread:



  • Reborn2002


    You have time to post entirely different threads, yet you conveniently avoid comments and issues that expose you and your fanatical religion when they are raised. The whole board has seen that when exposed for your hypocrisy you continually employ evasive tactics when defending yourself and your false religion.

    My comments on the "Dateline - Black Art of Propaganda" thread still stand.

    Anyone reading this please reference page 8 of that thread, and my post therein about halfway down the page. The link is here:


    I see conveniently you have still chosen to avoid facing facts and quotes taken directly from the Society's literature and from your own mouth.

    You ever so arrogantly proclaim that you vanquish any "apostate" who questions JW doctrine or your own ideas of what religion is about, yet time and again you avoid me.

    I will continue to post your contradictions and hypocrisy on every thread you start, just to point out to everyone on this board, even the anonymous lurkers what a hypocrite you are and what kind of false religion you adamantly defend.

    Will you defend yourself and your comments Robert?

  • You Know
    You Know

    Bonovox: I am not aware of anything that the Watchtower has published about the world's situation after 9-11.

    / You Know

  • 144thousand_and_one

    So, You Know, you are concerned that "this system of things" is coming to an end? I've heard this from the org that cried wolf before.

    What's coming to an end is the ability of the WT to keep enlightening information from those who are mentally enslaved to the org. (e.g., Dateline, and this site). I'm looking forward to the day your cult files bankruptcy and can no longer encourage the exploitation and abuse of children. Until then, keep on setting a fine example for your so-called "brothers and sisters" on this site. BTW, did you ever apologize to Ray Franz for referring to him as "lawless," or are you now able to give us some examples of the crimes you are alleging he committed?

  • ashitaka


    Loyal love, God is love,

    he kills mankind, except for dubs....

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