What's the game plan here Dubula, are you just going to hide out until this thread scrolls away so as to save yourself any more humiliation? / You Know
by You Know 112 Replies latest jw friends
You Know
again, you surprise me....no one can beat a dead horse like you,
I wouldn't have described your postings as a dead horse, but I won't argue with your assesment.
this is one time ill admit being a little delusional because i was under the impression that you werent so one-track minded (theres the delusion),
LOL Fair enough. I'll let you off the hook.
again, thank you for putting words in my mouth. what i meant was that every time there is a new calamity OF COURSE its going to be all over the news....um, everyone wants to know whats going on, dont they?
Ah, just a simple misunderstanding, okay. Whatever.
i truly dont expect you to suddenly comprehend simple ideas, but i do believe everyone else who read my posts in order understood the idea i was getting across.
Which was? LOL
most posters/readers could care less about the technical hair-splitting you force into discussions in your desperate attempts to discredit me as a liar.
"Technical hair-splitting," you seriously have got me doubled over with laughter.
what doesnt get blasted all over the airwaves is the impending judgement day of jehovah, and this is where you stand alone (which was my whole point, that you once again missed). when you twist words this way (the way you would like to make the poster sound, namely like an idiot), you only make you own points less valid.
Okay. Now let's see if you can rub your belly while your are standing on one foot. LOL
if you werent bending anything, you wouldnt be putting your little two cents in on every world event, and how this is part of jehovahs judgement.
Pardon me, but I have invested a lot more than just two cents. Don't insult me!
if you think you are merely "presenting the facts", without strongly slanting them to fit your views on how close armageddon is, then please allow me to cut and paste your past comments for display.....and it will become painfully obvious even to you just how ridiculous that statement is.
You have my permission to cut and paste anything you want.
government officials dont have to use any buzz words for me to realize what the reality of a nuclear holocaust would be.
Hey, you must be pretty smart!
again, you are using my words out of context, which is either genuine ignorance or intended deceit, i still havent figured out which, lol.
Being misunderstood must be a terrible terrible thing. What an unfortunate situation for you to have the diabolical YK twist your words and misinterpret your thoughts!
yes i realize if there is a nuclear holocaust it would be a MAN MADE armageddon (which according to your boys at the wtbts is an impossibility),
And we all know that they got it straight.
you tried to make it sound like everyone is shouting doom (including govt officials), you do not stand alone.
No, no, you misunderstood me! That's not what I said.
but what you proclaim is that indeed this is leading to the imminent judgement of jehovah, which will be "any day now".
Correct. Even a limited nuclear war will crash the system. That's what the judgment of Jehovah calls for, the crashing of the system, variously symbolized in prophecy by the heavenly bodies going into eclipse, etc.. Evidently, you have been so totally deceived that even in the event of the end of the system you would still apparently imagine that it had nothing to do with prophesy. That's pretty bad. You are one of the worst cases of brain-lock that I have ever come across.
well, if the government specifically told me that we are on the verge of world war 2, id say they were having halucinations as to what time period we were living in.
Good one.
how many times do i have to admit the possibility of nuclear war before you quit implying that i think its an impossibility?
it's all happened many times before, right, these types of generalized global calamities? LOL
you are indeed spoon-fed, and i realize it more and more when i read your larouche links. sometimes you almost quote him word for word.....i havent seen one economical view come from you that wasnt already printed in eir.....
Ah, so you are a secret reader of EIR. I figured as much. Don't you know that that LaRouche guy is a Commie, rightest ,wacko, British-hating, doomsday,cultist?
"little man" huh? why is it that you must always resort to insults and ridicule when your back is against the wall?
What makes you think my back is against the wall? More delusions perhaps?
dont you realize that by constantly labeling "apostates" as mere "ridiculers" with no intelligence, and then practicing continued petty insults and name calling that you only detract from your almost nonexistant credibility?
I'll deal with the consequences.
again, that link only shows that there is a possibility of a MAN-MADE armageddon
Correct. You wanted something official where some guy used the word Armageddon in reference to the present strategic situation. It's also mention once in Revelation the 16th chapter.
if armageddon comes in my lifetime it will indeed rule every aspect of my life, because ill be dead!
I can't argue with that.
according to your wt, when armageddon comes i will simply cease to exist, knowing nothing, feeling nothing after death. so, i should be in constant fear of this eternal sleep, and the fact that its "right around the corner"?
I'd say you are more than half way there already.
gee, i never thought of it that way.....i should probably just quit my job now and start preparing a plot for my dirt nap. the possibility is there.....it will always be there....again, whats your point?
Don't worry about it, but take my word, You just proved it.
you really think mankind cares about yks little opinion of their maturity?
No, but apparently you do.
you present the facts as they pertain to your interpretation of bible prophecy, and why these facts are bringing about jehovahs judgement "any day now".
Bible prophecy is what determines the outcome of history, so from my standpoint the Bible is the facts. You are in no position to say otherwise. Your only position so far is that you basically don't care if you die, which is none of my concern. I suspect though that not everyone is as death-oriented as yourself.
you also constantly bombard the "reader" with quotes and links to a man that thinks the beatles are a product of the british secret intelligence agency....
You are a little bit confused. You are the one who keeps harping on the Beatles being a product of British intelligence, which of course may be true, but it's not really relevant to why I occasionally quote LaRouche. I quote LaRouche because he is an internationaly renowned economist and statesman and what he says has a bearing on what's going on. Let's face it, you simply are adverse to any sort of truth that you don't like and you want to posion other people's minds too.
and these quotes and links are FAR FROM FACTS, they are mostly conspiracy theories. the fact that you present these conspiracy theories and ideas as "facts" simply shows any intelligent reader who the real "delusional" one is.
My observation is that the demons have people conditioned to instinctively reflex whenever anyone drops the phrase "conspiracy theory." And, of course unthinking people allow themselves to be brainwashed that way so that any time they hear that Pavolian phrase their mental processes simply shut down. The fact is that the world is run by wicked men who constantly conspire to control and defraud others. Surely you have read about that sort of thing in the Spider Man comics?
if your target audience believes the rubbish that larouche and his lackies put out, perhaps your target audience is just as detached from reality as you are.
Most apostates feel that way about the Bible, so you really don't have any sort of credibiltiy to say what is true and what isn't. LaRouche has called the ongoning financial collapse at every phase. Calling it rubbish simply tells me, again, that you are a a lying delusional fool. But, hey, like you say, there's no need to beat a dead horse.
any intelligent lurker can see right through your reasonings which are quite often riddled with holes and filled with contradictions. and surely by now, your target audience realizes that you do not practice what you preach, ever, which also makes you a complete hypocrite. so if youre targeting people who listen intently to hypocrites, youve nailed that target right in the bullseye.
You are raving now. In what way to you suppose I do not practice what I preach? How am I a hypocrite? Because I tripped you up in your own nonsense and deceit? You haven't rebutted anything. You are resorting to whining and bluster.
again (boy i must say that alot with you), you are putting words in my mouth. things ARE happening that have never happened before, and 100 years from now things are bound to happening that have never happened before.
That's not what you said. But, never mind that lie. Okay, so now you are getting into the fortune telling act, huh? You know the future? Of course, you are just speaking in generalities again and have no idea what you mean when you say stuff like that. But, I guess you feel compelled to say something.
how is it that when i tell you about scientific methods of forecasting, you dismiss this as fictional and delusional? its good to hear that you actually believe in the scientific method of forecasting, so you also know that the forecasting often fails, dont you?
I am not talking about predicting the stock market. That's not science. Using equations and calculations to predict the direction up or down of the DOW or whatever is not what the science of physical economy is about.
more twisting, so sad. when did i say you were the lone voice about the physical economy?
You didn't. I didn't say you did. You said that I wasn't original. I said I never claimed to originate the science of physical economy. Who is twisting whose words? Obviously you are.
AGAIN, i have NEVER claimed that any specific calamity we are facing now has happened in the past. NOWWHERE IN MY WRITINGS WILL YOU FIND THIS, yet you continue to imply it......why the need for deceit, or is it genuine ignorance on your part? i said "calamities" had happened in the past, that we are facing new ones now, and there are sure to be NEW "calamities" in the future that we cannot even predict now.
I have known a few pathological liars before who would believe there own lies. Apparently you are one of those.
didnt realize you wanted a detailed report on the dates and locations of ww1, ww2, vietnam, the black plague, the cuban missle crisis, etc, etc. dont you see that in 1914, world war was a new thing, that had never been faced before?
If you had cited any of those events you still would find yourself tangled in the web of lies that you have already spun, because you have just stated that the calamities facing the world now are unique and have never occurred. That's why you must speak in vague genaeralities and hope that nobody calls you on it.
/ You Know
It is a ready source of amusement for me personally to witness the delerious antics and hysterical gyrations apostates go through to deny reality when they are brought face-to-face with it. Of course, all of that silliness will turn into terror when one fine day the demons go nuclear.
1,721 posts - and HE'S amused by apostates' "antics" & "gyrations"? What's more amusing is that the same can be said about the antics & gyrations of the Dubs & their belfiefs since 1879!
And besides, Jehoover ain't gonna allow no nukes to destroy His "people" - right?
Edited by - Michael3000 on 14 June 2002 11:49:29