What about your vow to Jehovah?

by a watcher 287 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • *lost*

    Ahhhhhhhh ... methinks awatcher is a 'believer' in God, but is searching for truth.

    Sounds a bit like myself actually, I was/am still a 'believer' in God, Jesus, Bible and the message.

    I was never a 'strong' jw, too manyt things didn't feel right, but i was baptised.

    awatcher, I think I am starting to understand you a little. ( I hope )

    But you have to accept 'truth' friend, you have to 'prove' things to yourself. If you truly belive in God the Father, Creator and almighty powerful, His Word the Bible and Jesus Christ Our Saviour,

    Then I suggest you start stepping up and proving your worth

    to 'God the Father' who is going to judge 'all of mankind' you, me, and everyone else on this planet, while you still have the chance to do so, or you might find yourself like 'the brides who ran out of oil'.

    You don't want to be like the Laodicieans ' luke warm' did not Jesus say he would vomit them out of his mouth ? I was reading up on that very thing the other day, it was an eye opener to truly understand the meaning of 'luke warm' - water, neither hot nor cold, makes a person want to vomit it back out.

    you cannot be 'luke warm' friend. it doesn't cut the grade with God. You will be found 'wanting' when Jesus comes. Also, are we being currently judged, in our lives, how we live our lives, good or bad, how we treat others, how we follow Jesus's teachings. are we worthy students or not ? are we worthy workers ? are we 'happy in the Lord'.

    Have we allowed man to seperate us from our creator ?

    Have we allowed Satan to 'snare and mislead us' ? you have a lot of deep thinking and deep study to do = work, effort, if you truly want to learn the 'truth' and pick up your torture stake and follow Christ.

    Remeber Jesus' words ' get away from me you workers of Satan, I never knew you' ' you originate with the father of the lie'. etc.

    jehovah is not God's name, jehovah is not God, therefore you cannot possibly have the 'truth' and be following God the Father, therfore, if you are not for God, you are for Satan the Devil, the father of the lie, the god of this world, of this system of things, of

    ''all false religions in the world''

    you are too lazy even to do the research on the name je-hovah, even though it has been clearly explained to you.

    jehovists are a man-made cult, wrapped up all nice and pretty to deceive us into thinking they are the only true Christians on earth, designed to entice us in and holdus there. Just like a 'trap' a 'snare' - set by Satan the Devil. so you go on following after man, and his organisation, and his god, Satan. And see where it gets you in God's favour when the day of judgement comes.

    Because you were given a witness 'to get out of her'. And now you cannot plead ignorance.

    Good luck with that.

  • Jeffro


    If you truly belive in God the Father, Creator and almighty powerful, His Word the Bible and Jesus Christ Our Saviour,

    Believers Love their Capital Letters, don't They?

    I do hope 'our Lord' isn't too upset with you for the sin of pride for capitalising 'Our'. How dare a mere human personal pronoun approach the capitalised grandeur of Jehovah Je-hovah What's-His-Name!

    you are too lazy even to do the research on the name je-hovah, even though it has been clearly explained to you

    Your 'research' on this matter is based on childish false syllogisms and very corrupted etymology.

    If a child writes a letter to Santa and misspells the name as Satan, it doesn't actually mean the child wants a present from Satan, nor does it imply any other affiliation. Words only really mean what they're intended to mean.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    a watcher:

    Shirley, I believe in Jehovah.
    But I was raised by my single father to be an independent thinker and to question authority.
    So I love and serve Jehovah, but I do it in my own way.


    The problem is, a watcher, you are doing no independent thinking at all. You've made it clear in your comments that you'll believe whatever the GB tells you. You don't particularly care if it's true or not (W 7-15-13). By your own admission you understand very little of what WT teaches and apparently have little desire to educate yourself. You're a lazy JW- your "faith" requires no real effort, just blind obedience to the GB.

    You obviously know little to nothing about the religion you are so hopelessy infatuated with. If you did, you'd know this is not even an option for you:

    So I love and serve Jehovah, but I do it in my own way.

    In the WT religion, there is zero room for serving god "in your own way". That is considered rebellion, punishable by disfellowshipping.

    I'd describe you as a Watchtower "wet dream": blind obedience; no desire to think critically; you'll believe any nonsense WT demands you believe; you're too lazy to be a problem to WT; you do just enough to keep WT numbers up but are not around enough to a nuisance; you worship the GB (they love that glory from men); all randomly quoted Bible verses support WT theology.

  • jgnat

    a watcher, I've been faithful to my baptism. Do you consider me to be a Christian?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    a watcher: I've read the 7/15/13 Study WT.

    I don't have a problem with the new understanding of the FDS.

    In fact, I was glad to hear of it. Now the other anointed can blend into the congregations easier, without having that title (and the expectations of other people that go with it) hanging over their head.


    If you actually read the literature of the religion you're so devoted to you'd know that the members of the 'remnant/faithful slave' were already marginalized two years ago to the category of 'not really important at all'.

    It was a precursor to the GB hijacking even more power for themselves.

    If you actually read your Bible, you'd also know that Jesus' words about the "faithful slave" was a parable, not a prophecy pointing to the GB.

    I don't have a problem with the new understanding of the FDS.

    That's because you don't understand it. No worries though.... I doubt even 1% of JWs will understand it (and don't care to).

  • punkofnice

    Looks like a watcher will wake up soon. Fingers crossed.

    A watcher. You came here to strengthen your faith in the watchtower corporation's version of things.

    Has it worked and if so which parts of watchtower corporation teaching?

    Has anything we 'mentally diseased apostates that the Jehu elders should slaughter(TM)' made you really think deeper about the corporation?

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Retro, what has the GB taught me that I couldn't have learned from the Bible?

    Well, the first thing that comes to mind are the prophecies of Revelation: the great tribulation, the wild beasts, Babylon the Great, Har-Magedon, the millenium.

    I would have never understood these things if the GB had not explained them to me.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Satanus, no I don't burn incense for Jehovah. Burning incense for a god is a pagan practice.

    But I do wish I could bathe myself in incense and kneel at Jehovah's feet; a sweet-smelling odor, an acceptable sacrifice. (Eph 5:2, 1 Pet 2:5)

  • punkofnice

    a watcher -

    I would have never understood these things if the GB had not explained them to me.

    I feel I need to ask questions here.

    But can you be 100% certain that the GB aren't just spinning a yarn just to suit their agenda? William Barclay also explained Revelation along with other 'theologians'. How do you know if any of them are correct?

    Can anyone really take seriously that the 'trumpet blasts' relate to some gathering of Rutherford's followers?

    Why hasnt Rev 19:1 been explained in the Climax book? Is it because it uses the same terminology about the 'great crowd' but puts them in heaven?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    a watcher is also comfortable with the WT's most recent "new light" regarding the FDS.

    Not realizing, or caring, that this "new light" throws out the 100 year old WT doctrine on the subject.

    The WT was just as sure of the old doctrine's truthfulness as they are about the new doctrine.

    This is the same religion that also believe it has the book of Revelation all figured out...for now.

    a watcher- do you realize the GB's explanation of Revelation now is completely different from what it used to be? Why are you so confident in their current explanations? Even the Revelation Climax book has been revised in a number of ways since it's original release, and this is the WT's "definitive" book on the subject.

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