What about your vow to Jehovah?

by a watcher 287 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tenyearsafter

    Watcher...why would you say the Abraham led to the Christians, who then led to the JW's? I thought JW's were the only true Christians? In your line of reasoning, JW's would not be worshiping like the 1st Century Christians, since early Christians gathered "annointed" while JW's gather "great crowd". Would you please provide scriptural back up for that staement?

    If JW's are different from their 1st Century brethren, why do they refer to themselves as the only "true Christians"?

  • cofty
    cofty, specifically, the preaching work. - A Watcher

    OK A Watcher thanks, but what is the message JWs are preaching and how does it compare to the message Jesus commissioned the early christians to preach?

    Again please try to be as concise as possible.

  • NeverKnew
    The early Christians preached extensively from Jerusalem to Rome, from the day they were baptised.

    Early Christians were lion food.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Heaven and jookbeard, the Bible plainly states that most people will refuse to serve Jehovah.

    "Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." (Matt 7:13,14)

  • LostGeneration

    watcher - read the points again, you didn't address a single one jookbeard made. The WTS has FAILED to preach their message worldwide, basically because they are too chickenshit to use mass media (fear of exposure) and send people into Islamic countries (fear of man).

    JW's have a similar preaching style, although we go much farther afield....awatcher

    Join our WBT$/JW Cult or Die!.. Where do I sign up!..

    ................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • tenyearsafter

    A Watcher...I am disappointed that you won't answer questions directly...are you not confident in your proofs?

  • jam

    Signs that identify cults, (1) they are special (2) their leaders have a

    direct line with God almighty (3) It,s us against the world (4) we are

    always right. (5) Our small group will survive, the rest of mankind can

    go to hell, all 7 billion.

  • tornapart

    My vow was to God and not an organisation. My vow to God still stands.

    True christians throughout the centuries and even now are scattered throughout many different denominations. Just as Jesus said... the wheat would grow amongst the weeds.

    As for an 'organisation'... where was it before Israel? Where was it after the apostles? That wonderful organisation that Jehovah despaired of for centuries... that Jesus condemned...

    Yes, I allowed men to come between me and God... I allowed a man made organisation to come between me and God. Now the only one that comes between me and God is Jesus Christ.

    "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor the son of earthling man to whom no salvation belongs" Psalm 146:3

    Jesus Christ alone is the Way the Truth and the Life.........

    Watcher.. why are you allowing men to come between you and God? Why are you putting your trust in men for your salvation? Why are you in an organisation that considers itself 'the Truth' when Jesus Christ said HE was the Truth?

    Is Jesus your mediator? Is he your salvation? Have you looked at the study WT we are doing this month? The last study article has a picture of 'God's organisation'... Heavenly and earthly... tell me .... where is Jesus Christ in that picture? (April 15 page 29)

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    cofty, the message is the same. The Kingdom.

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