FINALLY! Can you prove God exists? If you can I won't ask again!

by punkofnice 544 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pterist

    A scientific theory is not the end result of the scientific method; theories can be proven or rejected, just like hypotheses. Theories can be improved or modified as more information is gathered so that the accuracy of the prediction becomes greater over time.

    Theories are foundations for furthering scientific knowledge and for putting the information gathered to practical use. Scientists use theories to develop inventions or find a cure for a disease.

    A few theories do become laws, but theories and laws have separate and distinct roles in the scientific method. A theory is an explanation of an observed phenomenon, while a law is a description of an observed phenomenon.

  • cofty

    I know that Christ and God are real, and I know God through Christ. - Tammy

    No you don't. Once again christians hijacking the English language.

    (If I use any sarcasm Tammy I will be sure to let you know, that way you won't have to call me a liar because you don't get it)

  • Qcmbr

    Every God that mankind has made up, and you have to admit we have a stunning knack for it based upon the vast numbers that litter the annals of history, is designed with one major purpose; each god acts as a placeholder for the unknown. Thor does thunder, Poseidan the seas, Yahweh does all the animals and so on. As we explore our world and our knowledge increases these gods slip into history their job done to be replaced by reason and knowledge. Gods only survive when no better explanation exists.

    Jehovah has retreated , for most Christians, from the animal maker ( evolution ), the sun maker ( gravity ), the earth flooder ( hydrological cycle ) and the Eden planter (geology, archaeology, palentological and astronomy.) Each Christian may or may not be defined by a brand but under the hood they align into loose groupings of what God's supposed existence answers for them. We have the xian deists who , lacking accurate knowledge of how something can come from nothing default to a Westernised divinity rather than something like Taoism, there are after lifers who need to know that there is a reward for life's pain, there are supernaturalists who want non medical explanations for dreams, voices and visions, pattern matchers who see order in everything and see coincidence as too ineffectual for the sorting they perceive, egotists who need something all powerful to explain why they are right despite contradiction, ignoramuses who are too lazy or fearful to study and want a justifiying authority for their lack of knowledge, bombasts and evangelisers who feel driven to speak up and need an explanation for that drive and emotionalists who feel the powerful tug of intuition and romantic ideals and seek a better explanation for their passion than mere chemical interactions and genetics.

    For many of these belief drivers there are perfectly good answers and just as the Thunder gods slipped from social prominence the gods of emotion , answered prayer, weather control, earthquake causation and miracles are disappearing. Gods still hold powerful sway where science hasn't found demonstrable mechanisms in nature but expect to see the cessation of the abiogenetic god, the voices in the head god , healing god and the revelatory god as science moves human understanding on. Expect to see more Xians moving to the deistic, experimental observation or all knowing , idea and comfort giving god away from the visceral, involved, physical god of the Hebrews and early Xians.

  • cofty

    Pterist - A thoery is as good as it gets in science. It brings together a load of facts and explains why they are all true.

    Let me put it another way so we don't end up playing semantics yet again - a favorite ploy of believers..

    Every living thing evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years - THIS IS A FACT

  • tec

    I'm not hijacking the English language at all. You just do not accept that I can know... but what you do not accept has no bearing on what I know or don't know. I also KNOW that I cannot prove it to YOU.

    (and if you use sarcasm to state something you believe to be true and have stated without the sarcasm on mulitple occassions... then what does the sarcasm change about something you state?)



  • Pterist

    Gravity a law or a theory ?

    While laws rarely change, theories change frequently as new evidence is discovered. Instead of being discarded due to new evidence, theories are often revised to include the new evidence in their explanation. The Theory of General Relativity has adapted as new technologies and new evidence have expanded our view of the universe.

    So when we are scientifically discussing gravity, we can talk about the law that describes the attraction between two objects, and we can also talk about the theory that describes why the objects attract each other.

  • mrsjones5

    I think someone missed this part:

    " When used in non-scientific context, the word “theory” implies that something is unproven or speculative. As used in science, however, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena."

  • cofty

    Pterist - stop with the semantics.

    Every living thing evolved from a common ancestor over millions of years - THIS IS A FACT

  • mrsjones5

    A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. A theory is valid as long as there is no evidence to dispute it. Therefore, theories can be disproven. Basically, if evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, then the hypothesis can become accepted as a good explanation of a phenomenon. One definition of a theory is to say it's an accepted hypothesis.

    A scientific law generalizes a body of observations. At the time it is made, no exceptions have been found to a law. Scientific laws explain things, but they do not describe them. One way to tell a law and a theory apart is to ask if the description gives you a means to explain 'why'.

    Example: Consider Newton's Law of Gravity. Newton could use this law to predict the behavior of a dropped object, but he couldn't explain why it happened.

  • Pterist

    Cofty...I agree Evolution definately has its place, I just don't accept it conveniently spawned everything with no creative hand.

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