wts made a video about masturbation IN SIGN LANGUAGE, WITH GESTURES

by rebel8 293 Replies latest members adult

  • perfect1

    KS: Real life ain't cut and dry like that, folks, and is EXACTLY the same version of reality sold by the JWs (the classic duality, binary mode that humans seemingly LOVE to use)

    binary oppositions are present in all human thinking in every culture. Binary oppositions may be the only universal. See structural anthropology.

    Also, your post seems to indicate you believe you have a unique access to reality.

  • Iamallcool

    King Solomon, I agree with you 100 percent.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    KS If I was assigned to sign this part in a meeting then it wouldn't be just the deaf. It would be a mixed crowd. As an interpreter I get to interpret. I never used ASL. Wasn't taught that way (although I tended to use more of it in personal conversation with the deaf). The deaf have their sensitivities but so does a hearing interpreter who is donating their time and energy to learn to sign well enough to be an interpreter.

    I was taught to use Signed Exact English and that gave me the choice to spell when I felt uncomfortable with the sign. I never once had an elder or any deaf person come to me after the meeting to show me the signs and order me to use them. And in the hall I never saw them use it either. They were in a mixed crowd and maybe that changed their sensitivities? I don't know. But we did have parts about sexuality and what was okay and what wasn't. Since I was the best interpreter in the cong I was most likely the one to be assigned these parts. After my husband and another elder learned enough sign to scrape through a talk they handled more of these parts.

    After a while the deaf would go downstairs for their own WT studies. I never sat in on those so I have no idea how they would have handled this information about sex.

    JWs are prudes. And I admit I was too - very much so. Since I left I went to college and university and took many courses on various aspects of Human Sexuality. I am much more open to discussing the issues and I think there is a great need for all ex-JWs to discuss those issues but always in a respectful manner. I have worked with many women who needed to talk about sex because they had been sexually abused as children. Joking aside we all need to lighten up when talking about sex and its supposed sinfulness.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Lady Lee said:

    JWs are prudes.

    Hmmmm, you just might be on to something here....

    My JW family are such prudes, I cannot even use a medical term around them without seeing blushed faces looking at me.... How they ever manage to reproduce, I don't know...

    And I admit I was too - very much so. Since I left I went to college and university and took many courses on various aspects of Human Sexuality. I am much more open to discussing the issues and I think there is a great need for all ex-JWs to discuss those issues but always in a respectful manner. I have worked with many women who needed to talk about sex because they had been sexually abused as children. Joking aside we all need to lighten up when talking about sex and its supposed sinfulness.

    Well, I'm not sure how people giggling at a video like a bunch of pre-teens helps, but I suppose it's opening the dialogue, and hopefully making them think about stuff they apparently haven't considered before. Perhaps if nothing else, their video opened a dialogue to raise awareness of the issue?

    I tend to not be prudish, myself, as I HAVE to discuss sexual manners which may be potentially embarrassing for the patient, but find the best wat to do it is to not feed into it by remaining professional. And when it comes right down to it, sex is just another bodily function (eg ejaculation is quite similar to sneezing)...

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Perfect 1 said:

    binary oppositions are present in all human thinking in every culture. Binary oppositions may be the only universal.

    "ALL" human thinking in "EVERY" culture? Go to extremes much, and like to exclude the fertile ground in the middle? :)

    From Wikipedia article on false dilemma:

    In logic, seeing all choices as binary is called false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black-and-white thinking, or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of logical fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.

    The roots of "good vs bad" morality are found in Zoroasterian beliefs, which is where they were melded with Judaism to give the World the gift of Xianity.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    What I found interesting was comparing the ASL with the other Sign Languages. Australian, Mexican, Chilean, Finnish, Italian, and Korean Sign Languages were also demonstrative to varying degrees and you could tell when they were signing the word, but nothing near the full crotch-oriented gestures and "O" face in the ASL vids. From what I could tell, Colombian and Russian didn't use a graphic gesture.

    I understand that there may be some sophomoric giggling from juveniles like me when the speaker mentions masturbation, but did they really have to go this far on the ASL video? ... several times, with both male and female masturbation gestures?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I'm no expert on sign language conventions used around the World (a family member interprets for JWs), but it's not unreasonable to expect that different local 'dialects' exist, this being one example. I'm sure different translators will use different facial expressions, just as public readers convey the same words, but will vary in their interpretation of the reading.... Someone who knows for sure (Lady Lee?) can confirm....

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I believe that what we are perceiving here as a gesture resembling the act of masturbation is actually an ancient, secret, Masonic handshake.

  • jeanpicard

    "I'm no expert on sign language conventions used around the World (a family member interprets for JWs), but it's not unreasonable to expect that different local 'dialects' exist, this being one example. I'm sure different translators will use different facial expressions, just as public readers convey the same words, but will vary in their interpretation of the reading.... Someone who knows for sure (Lady Lee?) can confirm...."

    You're right. But they're not even different dialects, but rather completely different languages that developed independant of each other the same way spoken languages did.

  • jgnat

    English allows us to "couch" difficult subjects. I find ASL to be very direct. When I told my deaf friend about the passing of my Grandfather, the correct way to sign is to make the facial expression at the same time. While I was composed when I spoke to my English speaking friends, I broke down in front of my deaf friend.

    I felt all the grief.

    What I think this shows more than anything is that this particular public talk does not belong in a mixed audience. It probably does not belong at all.

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