wts made a video about masturbation IN SIGN LANGUAGE, WITH GESTURES

by rebel8 293 Replies latest members adult

  • stillstuckcruz

    HAHA!!! Thanx Cedars. Loved your response to the rediculous response:

    I'm a jehovah witnessz andd really thisz video isz stuppid jehovah has a bilbe to see whatsz riqqht and wronqq so check out tht book? and shutup makinqq upp stuff bout my congreqation

    Cedars:This response is an excellent example of what happens when a religion bans? higher education!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The first youtube is over 430,000 views. There are lots of others out there with a variety of soundtracks now.

    The one that Dismissing Servant linked back on page 9 was removed for violating YouTube's policy on nudity or sexual content. But it was only an ordinary ASL sign , right?

  • 3rdgen

    I don't get it. Utube is ok with the vidio but when it is edited, the content is too sexual? It's about masterbation. DUH....

  • cedars

    The masturbation video has made it onto "The Greatest Ever" channel, which comments on some of the funniest and most viral videos on YouTube!!

    If you want to skip this guy's rather nasal commentary on other videos (especially since he has a REALLY irritating way of talking!) then start viewing at 2:42...



  • finallysomepride
  • BluePill2

    Thanks Billy the ex-Bethelite, I've had a blast with your funny comments and Cedars your presence in the YouTube comments is spot on.

    Soon reaching half a million views! The best part: I've searched several (even short terms like "deaf masturbation") search terms and this beauty pops up. I've searched this in Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, English. So far, reactions:

    - It has shown up in numerous forums, blogs, funny websites

    - It shows up in Brazil, Spain, Portugal, France, Finnland, Russia, USA and even one Arabic website! Hahahaha!

    - Gifs being made (going viral as well), BIG discussions on Gay boards, on websites for Deaf/Sign Language related, even a Forum for Bodybuilders has 4 pages of discussion about "why religion should stay the F*** out of peoples private Lifes. Also Youtube has already lots of variants with music, funny backgrounds (one guy put porn in the background, but was taken down), etc.

    - other ex-JW Forums having great threads as well.

    - YouTube and Facebook with thousands of comments so far.

    GREAT DISCUSSIONS going on!!!!

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Hey Friends! This thread is only seven days old! But it has already contributed a lot in making "internet history"! Little did we know last weekend of things that were to happen during this week. This thread started the viral spreading of the "Wachtower Wankers".


    The WBT$ Video is at 772,180 views..

    Thats 66,013 views in 24 hrs..

    The WBT$ JW Humiliation is picking up speed..

    Nobody wants to Shake my Hand or..

    Take my Magazines?..

    ............................ mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco ...OUTLAW

  • d

    This video is very creepy.


    Looks like the WBT$ "Pulled" the Video off their Website..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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