"Get out of the bleachers and into the game"... Memorial 2012 demonstration.

by koolaid-man 182 Replies latest jw friends

    Lime ,why don't you take a deep breath and sneak away from your kingdom hall on Memorial night and come to our protest and teach us how to do it?.....RF

    At the end of your Video..

    You said because of your presence,the memorial was moved to another location..

    You protested an "EMPTY" Kingdom Hall..LOL!!..

    Protesting Kingdom Halls is a waste of time..You only re-enforce the JW Siege mentality..

    You re-enforce what the WBT$ says happens "when you leave the organization"..

    Protesting an empty Kingdom Hall then calling it a success..Is Insane..

    You got 1 millon hits on youtube for that Video..

    1 million hits of people watching you get "Out Smarted" by Jehovahs Witness`s..

    You need a New Plan..Protests aren`t working for you..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • JRK

    I will be under the bleachers if hot women are there.


  • koolaid-man

    The women left hiding under the bleachers when Outlaw joined them.

    The women left hiding under the bleachers when Outlaw joined them......RF

    I noticed your advertising..

    "Your Church" in memorial night 2008 part 1 video..

    "Upper Room Ministries"

    By advertising "Your Church" in a JW Protest..

    People who participate your protests,are also Promoting..

    "Rick Fearons Church"..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • koolaid-man

    Geeze, Owtlaw you could of at least gave the link......... http://www.upperroomministriesnewengland.com/

    Geeze, Owtlaw you could of at least gave the link.....RF


    You Protest JW Events..To promote "Rick Fearons Church"..


    Your not shy about it..

    I hope People can See your trying to "USE" them..

    Your Motives are Absolutely Selfish..

    .................. ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    That's right guys, here's the link to Upper Room Ministries for any who are interested in checking it out.

    Be warned, it's a long trek out to Jerusalem to take in one of the sermons - but well worth it I'm sure!


    (sorry I broke my vow, couldn't resist)

  • drewcoul

    The implication of the OP is that if you do not set up protest signs and actively demonstrate at your local KH, you are not "in the game." This couldn't be farther from the truth.

    I have effectively reasoned with my ex-wife and her elder husband (now a former elder). I have gotten my son see the hypocrisy in the organization. Guess what, that's 3 people I've helped and I have made zero signs! I have held zero demonstrations, and I would think this gives me a higher percentage than any disruption of someone else's worship.

    It may not be illegal in the US to demonstrate at a religious gathering, but in my opinion it is reprehensible!

  • drewcoul

    Let me add: Rick, protesting and demonstrations are your opinion of "Getting in the game," not necessarily anyone else's.

  • watson

    Rick, did you ever have a network/multi level marketing business?

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