I believe God

by N.drew 228 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew
    In what book did you read it and do you have confidence this book can be trusted as reliable?

    That's the question. A non Christian person who has never even seen the bible can reflect true love. How? Your asking me? Haha! It comes from above.

    Are you asking how can some people understand perfection, but others can not? I don't know.

    Read what?

    I'm saying the word accompanies the knowledge (I don't know where it comes from) so it clicks. (Oh, that's what the Governing Body says). Please, can you see that we know something and then when we read it we know some else knows it so now it becomes settled? Can you imagine that?

  • tec

    Tec - And how do you know anything at all about what Jesus said or did?

    I think I know, (accept) based on what I have read in the bible and some other sources written about Him. This often requires my personal reasoning and application in my life of Him and His teachings.

    I only actually KNOW anything at all about what He said or did if He chooses to reveal it to me, Himself. In spirit.



  • tec

    NC -

    You guys think that the God who Christ showed cannot be found in the OT. But He can, in places like that. (the Hosea quote - I desire mercy, not sacrifice) It is the OT that has contradicting accounts of the nature of God. (the son pays for the sins of the father...vs. the son does not pay for the sins of the father)

    Christ is the one who shows us the TRUTH between those contradictions.

    So yes, He can refer to the "OT God" as His Father. And so a person can begin to recognize which parts are 'the lying pen of the scribes' or just the writings of man... and which parts describe the truth of God: By listening to Christ and undertanding what "I am the Truth" and "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father" truly mean.



  • cofty

    Tec - you did evade the question. Every time somebody points out something from the bible you don't like you disavow the bible - but you would not even know a man called Jesus lived or what his followers claimed he said or did without he same book you otherwise reject.

    As for context I am frequently horrified with the way believers snatch verses or parts of verses out of context and press them into service for their own ends. As an atheist I have more respect for the bible as a piece of literature than many beleivers do.

    If you are telling me you never do that then I apologise.

  • cofty
    I think I know, (accept) based on what I have read in the bible and some other sources written about Him.

    But what is written in the NT about Jesus is self-contradcitory. "Other sources" - really what do we learn about the person and teachings of Jesus form other sources?

    I only actually KNOW anything at all about what He said or did if He chooses to reveal it to me, Himself. In spirit.

    No you don't know a single fact about Jesus because of supernatural revelation. If you wrote down every single thing you claim to know about Jesus life and teachings every single word would be bsed on the bible - the book you don't trust.

  • tec

    Cofty, you did not ask a question for me to evade. And I still do not understand your point. Please give me an e x ample. A specific one. Please.

    Hmm... perhaps your point is that I cannot accept some of the bible and not others? Or perhaps you think that by not accepting it all as truth (impossible), I can't accept anything written within it as truth? The only way what your point (if I am understanding correctly) would make sense, would be if the bible was one book - all or nothing. I have no reason to believe that. None at all. That is a teaching of men. It is not even 'biblical'.



  • N.drew

    Messiah means anointed to lead in righteousness.

    I knew there was a lofty spirit that could lead the world. Because I would do anything to find the right way I knew there was someone else who would too.

    I did not know WHY a lofty spirt was not leading the world. But now I know.

    The Bible for me is like an editor. I have a story but very little natural endowment. I have a vision, but have no idea which way to go with it. I have a feeling that I do not want to share in the selfish world. Should I kill myself because I don't like where I am, who I am or where I should be? No. The Bible fills in the emptyness.

    I have a blog. I called it The Bible is My Best Friend. It is the only understanding I ever had.

    And I have developed a theory that much of the New Testament is really for correcting the people's misconception of the Hebrew Sacred writings. The words had taken on a wolf like meaning. And the people didn't care. How were they fooled? They did not know God is Love.

  • tec

    And I have developed a theory that much of the New Testament is really for correcting the people's misconception of the Hebrew Sacred writings. The words had taken on a wolf like meaning. And the people didn't care. How were they fooled? They did not know God is Love.

    Nancy, we may have different thoughts on fleshly things... but the spirit behind our thoughts is the same.

    Peace to you, Sister.


  • cofty

    Jesus meek and mild and everything else is the lying pen of the scribes. Tennis without a net.

    What data about Jesus do you take as authentic and how do you decide?

    Virgin birth?

    Birth narrative - which version?


    His belief that epilepsy was caused by demonic possession?

    Speaking rudely to his mother?

    His geneaology - which version?

    Sermon on the mount - which version?

    His rant about throwing people into eternal fires with maggots etc?

    Resurrection? Again which version?

    Ascension - which version?

    How do you know any facts at all about Jesus?

  • tec

    But what is written in the NT about Jesus is self-contradcitory. "Other sources" - really what do we learn about the person and teachings of Jesus form other sources?

    You mean some details on the events surrounding him? Big deal. Told from different perspectives, different people, interviews (Luke's account)... the details are bound to have differences. That is only a problem for someone who thinks the bible is the inerrant, infallable word of God. Again, no reason to believe that it is. None at all. Not even 'biblical'.

    Contradictions in His nature though? I don't see them, even in the NT.

    Other sources help show that a man named Yeshua (or whatever pronunciation is used), son of Yoseph, e x isted. Sometimes another account (gnostics perhaps) can give us a deeper, rounder, view of Him. Sometimes they can just throw in confusion.

    No you don't know a single fact about Jesus because of supernatural revelation. If you wrote down every single thing you claim to know about Jesus life and teachings every single word would be bsed on the bible - the book you don't trust.

    You may think what you like, (and you have to think like that because you do not believe); but I know what I know. Sometimes understanding given to me also shows that something written is trustworthy. But I don't receive understanding to prove what is true or not in the bible. I receive understanding... to understand. To know and share truth. To help, if I can.



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