I believe God

by N.drew 228 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    I'm female, like the bear that ate the children

    Take a look at my picture, did you think I was gay?

  • snare&racket

    Circumsision is nothing more than genital mutilation.

    Sorry for wrongly thinking you were a He-bear lol x

  • N.drew

    Is your list a test? Haha!


  • tec

    N. drew may I suggest you live by gods wisdom for a year.

    God (and subsequently his wisdom) can be found in Christ. Who we are told (in that same bible) to follow as the Truth.

    Gods laws condoning and instructing in managment of slavery ( both of labour and sexual)

    Christ owned no slaves. He taught 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.

    Gods laws on rape (we don't kill women for not screaming)

    Christ did not even condemn a woman for being an adulterous. He said to forgive, show mercy, not to judge.

    Infanticide.. Thanks to Satan no killing of children, sorry we even have it in the Genova convention.

    Christ was gentle with children. He killed none. Taught no one to kill any children. It would have gone against all that He did teach.

    Genocide, wow god loved killing people that had no access to his unwritten laws, the UN (the beast) won't allow it now :(

    No killing or ordering to kill naturally means no genocide.

    Segregation based on health and race and sexuality, damn you Satan!
    Christ never abided by those 'rules'. He dealth with women, drunkards, lepers, (never once mentioned sex uality), and he even dealt with those he had not been sent to deal with on the basis of their faith. (one roman centurian, and one woman)
    Beating your child, weird that Satan let it go on so long...? The only person in the bible you can strike without punishment!

    He never had a child of his own to beat, but he never beat his disciples. He was gentle and patient with them. He also never beat his enemies. He did call them out on their hypocrisy and evil, though.



  • Twitch

    The ignorance is astounding, isn't it? Good luck, Snare

  • N.drew
    The ignorance is astounding, isn't it?

    If you posted clearly maybe the good people could answer your question.

  • Twitch

    Wasn't speaking to or about you TEC.

  • N.drew

    You TEC?

    Me Nancy

  • N.drew

    So here's the thing. Future will find the break in time. Good for them! But then they will uncover our culture. WOW. Zombies, Vampires, Child molesters, Liars by the bunch and they will identify our entire culture with these low lifes. So they will have a revelation that their peaceful, loving society could not have come from us. To protect their possession they will decide in counsel to bomb as all, for they will reason "we must get rid of the vermin, but we know peace did survive so it is good". And POOF.

  • N.drew

    Do I have a point?

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