I believe God

by N.drew 228 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    who is searching is more desirable....I can't get any plainer than that.

    This question is really stupid. " And why should a believer be more so than one who isn't?"

    I can't answer it. I don't mince my words. Sorry!

  • caliber

    1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
    2. Does God exist? The universe had a start - what caused it
    3. Does God exist? The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?
    4. Does God exist? The DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior.

    The five senses
    The invisible and the supernatural

    Complexity of the human mind

    the eye marvel

  • N.drew
    1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
    2. Does God exist? The universe had a start - what caused it
    3. Does God exist? The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?
    4. Does God exist? The DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior. caliber


    I like that caliber. And neatness counts!! Good!

  • Twitch
    No sir you were the one who took out "and you think you are better?" and I answered you and then you took away the question. An answer to a question that is not there makes me look stupid. Did you do it on purpose? Don't answer that I might take it away.

    Ok, my initial question was "What makes you and your belief better than them and theirs?" in reference to your opinion that beliefs other than christianity are idol worshippers of a false god.

    I reworded this to what stands posted "what makes your faith better than theirs?"

    Your reply to the initial question was "I am not better than them"

    I changed the question slightly, you deleted your response entirely.

    Can we carry on with now?

  • Berengaria
    But the one who is searching hearts know sthat a believer who is searching is more desirable than one who is not ,don't you think? Or did you throw logic away with belief?
    What is meant by desirable exactly?
    And why should a believer be more so than one who isn't?

    who is searching is more desirable....I can't get any plainer than that.
    This question is really stupid. "And why should a believer be more so than one who isn't?"
    I can't answer it. I don't mince my words. Sorry!

    LOL she doesn't mince her words Twitch!!!

  • N.drew

    Yes I'm sorry. I am a little gun shy. Whenever I have computer trouble while I am logged on to JWN I think "oh no they did it again". and sometimes I take offence at a post when there was no offence. Yes, we shall carry on.....

  • N.drew

    Did you look up the meaning? That is how I came to the conclusion the "truth" wasn't the truth. I looked up words and their meaning. Looks like you don't do that Berengaria. Do what? Look up the meaning of words.

    a. To cut or chop into very small pieces.

    It means using small simple words to state the obvious. Like trying to explain something to a two year old.

  • N.drew

    Did you think mince means wibble? It doesn't. They are opposite.

  • soft+gentle

    hey I am an atheist and I will say I am a believer in God. this is a good riddle ndrew. but it is not very difficult to understand if you stand aside from an oppositional approach and embrace a diverse approach. If you are seaching and you are an atheist, for example, then you are a believer in God - simple - edit: okay maybe not that simple - you believe God

    edit: I would love to work in a library

  • N.drew

    Maybe. But it depends on what you are searching for. If you are searching for love, you might find sex. If you are searching for reason you might find cofty. If you are searching for purpose you might find a stray, or an orphan. If you are searching for righteousness, then yes, you are a believer!

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