For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • BlackPearl

    Yet another testament to the reason this site should change the name from to Where are the supporters of what the Bible teaches as good wholesome principles?

    Oh,...that's right. The scriptures said something about the fact there would be very few who would adhere to these things. I'm starting to feel like I'm throwing Pearls to the Swine.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Black Pearl,

    The Founding Fathers had black slaves. That was the America they supported back then.

  • VoidEater

    It's really not about abandoning the Bible in this case - though if you're gonna argue from the Bible, you could at least be accurate and have clean hands when you come to the bench (but thase boats sailed long ago; ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand).

    It's about the law - and around here we have a little thing called a separation of church and state. If the state is going to offer contract opportunities between individuals, there is no sound basis for discriminating against a class of people, denying them that opportunity, based on any religious view.

    Marriage is a legal contract. If you choose to have a "church wedding", too, cool! I would no more invade your church to be married than I expect you to invade my legal standing and deny mine.

  • Indo_Dude
    BlackPearlNecklace: I can't change what the Bible says, but I can choose to agree with it or disagree. I happen to agree with the scripture that says, "Men must not lie with Men", I can't change that.

    The real question is... what exactly does that mean? Do you REALLY know? Or just a reflex as your anti-blood stance once was? So what does Lev. 18:22 really say? Please read the following and you tell me:

  • lola28

    You know what Junction-Guy, you are gay. Your self loathing used to sad but now it’s just pathetic.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    "Some of us don't." Good answer! Me too, though I've never had an experience past kissing a girl in jr hs.

  • VoidEater

    I'm throwing Pearls to the Swine.

    I think there's a Biblical suggestion about that.

  • BlackPearl

    Indo, twist the truth of the scriptures in any way that make you happy. Apparantly you're good at it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Black Pearl brought out the point of the Founding Fathers and their goal for America. They too had the idea of separation of church and state. The thing is though that the entire US constitution was founded on religion. There will never be a true separation of church and state in America. The first marriage that is recognized by most was between Adam and Eve. That is only found in the Bible. Marriage as a legal union will always be tied in with religion. Now, handfasting is a whole other thing.

  • Junction-Guy

    I am not gay and never will be. I came close, was nearly brainwashed into accepting it, but snapped out of it. I almost became brainwashed twice--never again !!!

    The Sodom argument is really funny. They make it sound like the 2 cities were condemned for not greeting the angels with a glass of iced tea. They were condemned for their unashamed sexual perversity and their lust. Lot was the only one who showed hospitality by shileding them from the lustful sodomites.

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