For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • dwtnphotog


    I did my best to make my family and congregation proud of me. I did everything they thought I should do, including getting married to a pioneer sister. It was so difficult to try to be something that I wasn't I tried on 2 seperate occassions to commit suicide. I felt utterly worthless because there was an image of me that I could not live up to.

    And yes, I have known all my life. I was always interested in other boys. I have never had ANY desire to be with a woman. It was extremely difficult to be married and try to keep up a relationship with someone I was in no shape or form attracted to.

    Oh, and Bring_the_Light, come on, can't you be gay, just this once? LOL

  • BlackPearl

    I think freydi is afraidy of gay people.

    changeling :)

    This response sounds like a Kindergartener's reply to a serious question. And...I thought this thread was an open invitation for Non-gay people to express themselves. Seems like anyone against gay marriage is going to get bashed by adults with a five year olds mindset...

  • llbh
    It would be the same as a pedophile marriage debate.

    My dear Fredi how otiose can you be? This a non sequetor. One is between consenting adults the other is a crime.

    Now please keep up old chap and think


  • nvrgnbk
    Like me or hate me that's just how I feel.

    I'm going to guess that most gays and lesbians would choose to "like" you, love you, even, rather than hating you for the disgust you feel towards them.

    As a group of persons maligned simply for what they are, they know all about hatred and and its ill effects.

    Hope you and the wife are well, BP.

  • lola28


    How about the whole “Love you neighbor as yourself”? And aren’t we made in gods image? Do you really believe that a loving god would hate his own creation simply because of whom they chose to love? My honest belief is that people use god as an excuse to be bigots and to hate their fellow man. I’d rather be kind to the person I can see, than hate someone because of what the invisible man in the sky “says”.

  • brinjen
    It's not about gay marriage, it's about choosing to be gay. The rest is irrelevant. It would be the same as a pedophile marriage debate.

    That's pretty much the same logic the WTBTS uses towards child abuse. It's a sin rather than a crime. Good one.

  • BlackPearl

    This thread has attracted more gays than it has straights....and the thread WAS INTENDED FOR ANWERS AND COMMENTS FROM STRAIGHTS, NOT GAYS.

  • momzcrazy

    OK then ROLLCALL!!!

    I am straight.

  • VoidEater

    BlackPearl: And it will be people like you telling your kids its OK to beat up on those kids with two daddies...

    Some day you might actually respond to my previous questions on just how well you stick to Levitical law in other respects, why you think Christians should be saddled with strict Jewish rules, why your avatar is a slap in the face of Paul's command (remember how *unnatural* it is for men to have long hair)...

    Lola didn't ask me, but I'll play: "did you always know you were gay? And were you negatively affected by pretending to be straight?"

    Yes, I always was aligned with the same gender. At my first wedding (I was in a cute little tux and tossed flowers down the aisle ahead of the bride), I knew I would some day be "married" - but that it would be with a boy. That never changed.

    The only pretending I did was some exprimentation in college. From that I got trench mouth. Does that count? Or was that just too much information?

    Not always being free to express who I was (like at the KH) was frustrating. But I never pretended I liked girls, never lied about dating or being attracted to the opposite sex, or anything like that. I was viewed as super strong in the truth due to my lack of interest in girls.

    And, for those who must know, I was also a virgin for a loooooong time. Being gay wasn't about sex - it was about finding my mate.

  • nvrgnbk

    This thread has attracted more gays than it has straights....and the thread WAS INTENDED FOR ANWERS AND COMMENTS FROM STRAIGHTS, NOT GAYS.

    Relax, brother.

    This topic always gets you so excited.

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