For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • brinjen

    Actually most of the people who have responded are straight. You don't have to be gay to be for allowing gay marriages.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Well Black Pearl my long-time DFed gay brother actually agrees with one of your points. Sort of.

    I e-mailed him a congratulatory e-mail on the change in California law. His response?

    Yep -- why shouldn't gays suffer like everyone else?

    Of course he followed that with one of these:


    I don't think your post had a wink in it.



  • Bring_the_Light
    sometimes I feel like a lesbian trapped in a mans body!!
    A lot of men I know seem to feel that way.

    Oh god, i don't know how girls keep their hands off eachother or why any of them would want a big ugly man. I'm just glad they have a genetic imperative to fuck disgusting things, surely nobody would choose us if god didn't play his evil games with their heads.

  • momzcrazy
    From that I got trench mouth

    What is that?

    Honestly, I don't know.

  • Confession

    Okay, BP, understood. So can you (one heterosexual to another) clarify your objection? Is it really an objection based upon Christianity? Do you take the position that this religion should assert itself on the laws of this country? Does your concern center upon (as you suggest) such married gay people having children? Would you feel more in approval of gay marriage if those gay people were restricted from having children?

    (Please don't explode over this, gay friends. I'm really just trying to isolate what those against gay marriage believe specifically.)

  • momzcrazy
    i don't know how girls keep their hands off eachother

    Some of us don't.

  • VoidEater

    What is that?

    Bacterial infection of the gums...brushing and flossing are the cure.

  • llbh
    Actually most of the people who have responded are straight. You don't have to be gay to be for allowing gay marriages.

    The voice of reason and reasonableness.

    BTW i am straight


  • BlackPearl


    I don't intend disrespect to anyone, I simply don't believe that "Love your neighbor" whoever they may be applies. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their Homosexual activities and that's enough evidence for me.

    Clearly for you, the "invisible man in the sky" doesn't really exist...for me he does. So how do we meet in the middle when I believe in God and do not believe gays should be given equal rights in marriage or anything else that gives them rights. The scriptures clearly state that God did not intend for Male to be with Male and Female with Female...end of story.

  • momzcrazy

    OK thanks Void Eater.

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