For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • sweetface2233

    If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.

  • VoidEater

    Momz: I respect your cleavage! I'm just not attracted that way...

    I don't "get" the female figure that way. I can appreciate it's beauty, but "nothing happens" beyond that. No spark. No "interest" of that kind.

    Same with kids, I don't seem to have that "thing" in me that wants to raise children, put the next generation in place, and the like.

    My only interest in marriage is the legal status, which brings responsibilities and benefits. I've had the same commitment for the past 21 years whether there's paper there to "prove" it or not.

  • nvrgnbk
    I simply don't believe that "Love your neighbor" whoever they may be applies
    God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their Homosexual activities and that's enough evidence for me.

    So for you a fictional account of a slaughter that culminates in drunken incest trumps the loving words "Love your neighbor" attributed to Jesus of Nazareth?

  • freydi

    All this has to do with whether or not consenting adults are involved. I don't find the notion of consenting adult behavior justified in Scripture. But of course if you want to get rid of Scripture then, I guess anything goes, right, whatever the particular activity whether it's stamp collecting or pedophilia. Any pedo's out there who would like to come out of the closet and defend your actions?

  • VoidEater

    God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their Homosexual activities and that's enough evidence for me.

    [rolls eyes] As I'm sure any of the scholars on the Board will tell you, the "sin" of Sodom was lack of hospitality. As has been pointed out to you before.

  • lola28


    It’s not really up to what you think tho is it? It very clearly says “Love you neighbor as yourself” not “Love your neighbor as yourself unless…”

  • nvrgnbk
    stamp collecting or pedophilia

    A fair comparison?

    You're not well, freydi.

  • momzcrazy
    Momz: I respect your cleavage! I'm just not attracted that way...

    Yeah honey, kind of figured that out!

  • VoidEater

    Freydi: Your comments belittle the victims of pedophiles. But if you choose to insist adults in loving relationships is the same as raping children, no one here can help you.

  • BlackPearl
    I simply don't believe that "Love your neighbor" whoever they may be applies
    God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their Homosexual activities and that's enough evidence for me.
    So for you a fictional account of a slaughter that culminates in drunken incest trumps the loving words "Love your neighbor" attributed to Jesus of Nazareth?

    I can't change what the Bible says, but I can choose to agree with it or disagree. I happen to agree with the scripture that says, "Men must not lie with Men", I can't change that. The same as you can't change the flow of the tide in the ocean. I don't believe God (Jehovah) is a mythical personage, I believe he's real and alive and well. His law says what I can do (within reason using reasonable judjement) and what I can't do. If you don't want to live by those rules that's your business, but you can't force me to like it. Our society is screwed up because we left what the founding fathers had in mind,...that was an America built on Biblical principles. America no longer adheres to the principles that this country was founded on and therefore we are the America that was intended by our founding fathers.

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