For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • llbh

    My standard response to those opposed to gay marriage is why are you bothered by what happens in someone elses bedroom?

    I never get an answer to that.

    The most important thing is that 2 people love each other


  • momzcrazy
    It would be the same as a pedophile marriage debate.

    I believe that has been discussed at length on the FLDS thread.

    This is a gay marriage thread, keep up man, keep up!

  • Confession

    BTL, that post was hilarious in so many ways...

    I have absolutely no problem with gay marriage, and truly can't understand why I should care about what two adults do in their personal time in a bedroom. I consider myself a "conservative" in the classic sense. Less government involvement in our personal lives, less and fewer taxes, more encouragement toward personal advancement instead of government reliance. How on EARTH the federal, state or local government might seek to block two men or women from marrying, I don't know. I've heard that even some gay people support not opening up marriage for gays, but I've not been able to hear why. So why?

  • BlackPearl

    Married or not, I just think it's opinion. I was raised on Biblical principles, and being gay simply doesn't fit with a lifestyle that God approved/approves of...or...that I approve of. Like me or hate me that's just how I feel.

    The Scriptures explicitly mention that only Male and Female are to be intimate with one another in the Marriage arrangement. Anything other than that simply goes against my grain. I can't stop gayness, but I won't encourage it or help it along.

    So...all you Rectal Randy's out there....have as much fun as you've got the state of California's blessing to be treated equal to Heterosexual marriages. Just don't come crying to me when you all figure out that marrying the same sex has the same divorce rates (or worse) as Heterosexual marriages.

    Imagine a kid with two father's growing up in society, that's one kid that's going to be a really screwed up adult. Just think of the ridicule he'll get in school. Poor kid.

  • changeling

    I think freydi is afraidy of gay people.

    changeling :)

  • lola28


    This may seem like a stupid/ignorant question but did you always know you were gay? And were you negatively affected by pretending to be straight?

  • VoidEater

    BTL, DP, and others - I know! When I was in college I tried to "experiment" - I even kissed this lovely young lady who had a bit of a crush on me, and there was even tongue and everything...but nothing! I'm actually pleased that I couldn't perform...I would have felt that I had done something against my nature.

    BTW, most pedophiles are "traditionally" oriented - as a counselor I've looked at studies that range from 80% to 96% of pedophiles are men seeking girls...

  • owenfieldreams

    I am vehemently against gay marriage but I am not opposed to civil unions that grant legal rights, protections, etc.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    sometimes I feel like a lesbian trapped in a mans body!!

  • brinjen
    sometimes I feel like a lesbian trapped in a mans body!!

    A lot of men I know seem to feel that way.

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