For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • Bring_the_Light
    Oh, and Bring_the_Light, come on, can't you be gay, just this once? LOL

    I really don't think so man, sorry.

    I don't know if you heard my whole story, but I had a platonic female friend who I got into contests with about "doing everything bad we can think of". It was highly competative, I never backed down from a challenge and won a few she couldn't stomach. I fully expected that my failure to get myself violated (for parity it was negotiated that both of us had to take it in the back door to get the point) would lead to my losing the naughty contest for the very first time.

    It turns out she couldn't pull it off either. Said the lesbos scared her. Angry violent butch women apparently liked her dainty features. She was thinking that sex with a lesbian would be just an extreme end of cut "practice kissing eachother" stuff she did in high school with her girlfriends. No dice. It was a failure, but a draw. We then decided that "pretending" to be gay would be disrespectful to gay people, therefore we shouldn't do it anyways. (I can't even imagine how I'd feel if some dude cried when I tell him I don't want to have anything to do with him ). It was a cop-out, we both know we just couldn't do it. Not too naughty, mind you, just too unpleasant to handle.

    The other interesting point is that most hetero's don't seem to realize that gay people are people. They aren't sex crazed nutjobs. Part of the problem was MOST people wanted to "get to know" us, like interested in dating, you can't pickup a gay man any easier than a heterosexual girl. There are the scary-sluts, of course, but they are a relative minority. For the record, I COULD have landed a gay man, if I were able to overcome my problem. I am a very sexy man... dammit.

    Ok, I'm done discussing gay stuff for the day. I need to get it out of my head before I fall asleep or else I might have nightmares about being an especially buff athlete in ancient Greece...*shiver* Please soak up as many gay men as you possibly can, so they leave me the hell alone.


  • shamus100

    It's okay - if someone is hurt by being belittled, I can supply them with a tissue. There are plenty to go around.

    Now people, a fellow poster compared us to having sexual relations with children - A) I don't care what this poster thinks, obviously... B) They're off they're rocker, C) If this poster doesn't like the response that is given, they can have a tissue. I don't like they're comment, so I'm having a tissue right now. In fact, I'm in the fetal position weeping as I try to type this.... (in my panties, with a lisp...)

    Why would anyone get upset at such an ignorant comment? Obviously the person is in a different mind set. Who cares?

    Oh, btw, I don't have any kids and don't intend on adopting them. Just because suddenly gay marriage is officially okay, everyone is going to be adopting kids? What is going to change?

    I don't know - I'm guessing most people are from the U.S. or something. So bizarre! I can't get over the mindset... it's quite funny.

  • Bring_the_Light
    "Men must not lie with Men",

    How do you know Jehovah wasn't just suggesting that you shouldn't have more than 1 JW in the room at a time? That would be pretty good advice, too, ya know.

  • lola28


    So your like a cafeteria Catholic, hu Black Pearl.

  • shamus100

    I think we should get some perspective here on what the bible says...

    It says that all people who have fornicated should be stoned to death. You ever fornicated, Blackpearl? I'm sure most of us have... but I'd wager most here don't even believe in the bible. Has anyone actually read the nonsense that is in there? People are so pathetic they need to be told not to sleep with they're sisters for crying out loud! You probably should have been stoned to death long ago with me when I was thirteen years old.

    My point is if you're going to take it at face value, you should probably be dead too. Or maybe the bible is just B.S. too... I don't know - that's up to you.

    But I do thank everyone for throwing they're stones at us.

  • BlackPearl


    It’s not really up to what you think tho is it? It very clearly says “Love you neighbor as yourself” not “Love your neighbor as yourself unless…”

    It certainly is up to what I think. You're taking Jesus words out of context. Does "Love your neighbor" include pedophiles? Rapists? Etc...?? Since Jesus own father destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for Homosexuality (some misguidedly think it was due to a lack of hospitality - whatever...nice cop out) I think it can be said Jesus would not, could not, "love" a gay person.

    As someone else on this thread already said, if you're going to throw out the principles of the Bible, why bother? I mean, without the Bible you dont' really have to, or need to answer to or for anything. Anything goes.

    If bung holing another guy floats your boat...bung away. Or if (for the ladies) trying fill two voids with....well you get the idea, void away. Have loads of fun! Err...whatever.

  • freydi

    Problem is that most here don't care what the Bible says.

  • Indo_Dude
    BlackPearlNecklace: I was raised on Biblical principles, and being gay simply doesn't fit with a lifestyle that God approved/approves of...or...that I approve of. Like me or hate me that's just how I feel.

    The Scriptures explicitly mention that only Male and Female are to be intimate with one another in the Marriage arrangement. Anything other than that simply goes against my grain. I can't stop gayness, but I won't encourage it or help it along.

    So...all you Rectal Randy's out there....have as much fun as you've got the state of California's blessing to be treated equal to Heterosexual marriages. Just don't come crying to me when you all figure out that marrying the same sex has the same divorce rates (or worse) as Heterosexual marriages.

    "Biblical prinicples"? No, not really. Just biblical stories you've thought were true, regardless of veracity. After all you were once a JW, and have now realized they were patently false, and incorrect according to the bible. One would think that after such a startling revelation of just how incorrect you were, and with such vigor you used to boldly proclaim YOU knew what the bible said as a JW, you'd be a little more relaxed in condmenation. So far your track record is pretty poor.

    As many have pointed out to you in the recent past, which you refuse to acknowledge there are many versions of what various scriptures could have meant. Can you, and have you read the original texts of the bible in their corresponding ancient Greek, and Aramaic writings?

    Just 4 to 5 short decades ago many if not most mainstream churches were saying the bible proved that via Ham being a cursed race that mixed race marraiges were an abomination to god. Did the bible wording since then change?

    If you really believe the veracity of your claims you should research the book titled: 'What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality' by Daniel Helminiak, PhD. Or visit the gay exJW site of A Common Bond and read what the JWs preach vs. what the bible really says about homosexuality. There are a number of other books and resources as well. But you've made up your mind and refuse to challenge the veracity of your beliefs, why is that? Why, after being HORRIBLY wrong on other occasions being a JW would not vet each and every one of your beliefs at this point?

    Frankly, once I learned how wrong the Witnesses were, I threw out everything I had been taught by them. That if what I learned couldn't be researched by myself and come to a conclusion on it, it simply had no place in my belief system. If your belief is true, why not investigate it to prove it to yourself?

  • Junction-Guy

    No matter what argument is presented, I am still against gay marriage. No brainwashing, slick talk, or anything else will convince me otherwise.

    I definitely do not believe that gays are born that way, even if they were it still does not change my opinion of gay marriage one IOTA.

  • VoidEater

    "Men must not lie with Men"

    Still waiting to here about all the other Judaic laws you adhere to...and how you get around the whole "temple prostitute" context...

    Our society is screwed up because we left what the founding fathers had in mind,...that was an America built on Biblical principles.

    Riiiiiight...that's why the Constitution quotes the Bible so much...I think that about covers all the previous ground that you've never been able to support.

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