For those against gay marriage

by lola28 227 Replies latest members adult

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I would like to go a step further Talesin and ask why we need state sanctioned marriage at all? What purpose does it serve in society? I understand there is an equality principle at stake for homosexual couples.

    As a heterosexual, I question the value of a piece of paper that legalized marriage brings. Does it make my union more intimate? Does it make it more stable? Does it give it a better chance of succeeding? Does it ensure I'm a better parent? Does it guarantee support and commitment from my spouse?

    I would have to answer no to all of those questions. All it is, IMO, is public validation. At my age, that is not something I feel I need for my life's decisions. It is enough that I choose to be with someone because it is mutually beneficial or enjoyable. What the government or the public thinks about my life partner is irrelevant to me.


  • talesin

    Yes, I agree, cog.

    I just feel that same-sex couples should have the same right to self-destruction of the relationship that we do (heheh).

    Also, there are important issues, such as the rights of a partner in times of illness, death, inheritance, taxes, etc. that I would not want to make light of.

    Still, I agree with what you say, if all other things were equal.


  • freydi

    Joelbear - is Mitch your pet boa constrictor?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    Joelbear - is Mitch your pet boa constrictor?

    I doubt it Freydi but I'll be he has a pet snake! Cog

  • saywhat29

    This thread better be dead by now!

  • monophonic

    hey dumbasses comparing homosexuality to pedophilia. we have other shit going on this earth where energy needs to be directed. to compare gays to a violent sexual crime just continues ignorance.

    we have children to feed. poverty to work on. and all you idiots keep the politicians greased with lobbyist money to work hard on whether gays should or shouldn't marry.

    i'm 100% heterosexual. i even tried a bit to be gay, and it just doesn't work for me. stop judging what you don't understand. i don't understand it, but why should i judge?

    or no, just kill it like hitler did the jews.

    burma needs help, china needs help, and you pathetic self righteous idiots who oppose gay marriage are only moving the economy and money to places where it doesn't need to be.

    keep it up. it continues to make the reputation of americans even more pathetic than it has been over the years.

  • hamilcarr

    Is there anything more sexually deviant than the celibacy? And more sterile into the bargain?

  • jgnat

    *sigh* I'm locking this thread, too. The contributors have entrenched and nothing is being added to the debate any more.

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