Crackdown on "sisters" volunteering at DCs

by dozy 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    The society will be discriminatory to the end, they will go down for the 3rd time gurgling and thinking of more ways to discriminate. If it isn't blatant discrimination of women, its blatant discrimination of the Rank and File witness, You know the most "holy" "anointed" and then the rest of the scum, the R&F. I know they have lost out on women who possess brains, knowhow, and are brilliant human beings. The society just shows once again that it is stupid beyond reason.

  • Tatiana

    I just read this part:

    21 Q. Was it upsetting to you at the time to have
    22 to perform oral sex on Mr. Serjeant?
    23 A. Yet, it was upsetting.
    24 Q. Why was it upsetting to you at the time that
    25 began when you were 12 years old?

    Ya----I can't imagine why a 12 year old would be upset at being forced to perform oral sex on a grown man that calls himself a Christian.

    I can't believe this brain-dead lawyer even asked this question!

    Oh, well... we all know that if you are old enough at 12 to get baptized and old enough to be considered a "mature minor" and kill yourself, you must be old enough to give blow jobs. alt All I want in the whole wide world is for this sick cult to self-destruct. alt

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They do like to keep their women in line. I volunteered in first aid for many years. They used to give out over the counter medications-tylenol, aspirin, mylanta etc. I always wondered how they could do this without a physician overseeing the process? A few years ago, they quit doing this because of legal liability.

    Anyone who came to first aid had to sign a waiver that they wouldn't hold the society liable for any care received there. We never told them what they were actually signing, just needed their signature. All the info. was in the small print at the bottom of the form and nobody ever took the time to read it. I wasn't allowed to put a bandaid on a child's finger without a parent or guardian signing the paper.

    Now that I think about it, Scully is probably right, I shouldn't have put my license on the line because it wasn't worth it. There were some really serious situations. In the summer, it was typically very hot and humid at our conventions. There were more than a few heart attacks and strokes because people would push themselves way past their physical limitations to be faithful and attend.

    At a quickbuild once, I sent a "sister" to the hospital with a really bad cut on her finger. The elder there tried to talk me out of it asking if I couldn't just bandage it up and let her get care later on her own insurance. I did stand up to him and said she had to be seen in the emergency room immediantly. He wasn't happy about it, but gave in. The "sister" thanked me later, as she did need stitches, antibiotics, tetanus booster, etc.

    It's a shame they don't let women use their full potential because they are wasting a lot of talent. Seems like they're going backwards in time lately.

  • truthsetsonefree

    You wonder why they even have first aid. As far as parking here in NYC sisters are never used for parking for just the reason Dozy mentioned. Its a wonder that it took so long to make that uniform.

    Isaac Carmignani

  • lrkr

    When you read something like this, you remember how small the world of Bethel is. They love to obsess over stuff like this. Looks like some leaked out and got sent to the congos. Small minds......when you obsess over who tells who where to park- you have nothing to really obsess about.

  • lolipopp

    I'm prompted to make my first post after many years. Dozy's information is good news and hopefully will accomplish the same thing this type of thinking did to me, Here is my experience in this regard:

    I was a full time pioneer and my husband was elected elder when that arrangement first came into being. In 1972 he left me and the family to play (I should have followed sooner for my own reasons). I was left with a minor son, the other two having been married (at age 19-20 ???). This young son was in desperate need of a father and I asked the elders to call on him for encouragement --- no one came. By late 1973 the boy had got himself in trouble with some marijuana along with 5 other boys.

    Meanwhile my husband had left behind the elder Organization Book and I had read it and was extremely familiar with all the old and new rules. When the boy was called to a JC as were the other boys, he confessed and was later disfellowshipped. He was 16 at the time and the rules were an underage child was to remain under the parental supervision (he was never in trouble or rebellious). I questioned the new elders as to why they felt that was necessary and they said that his answer to their question as to whether he would do it again was "I don't know" he couldn't foretell the future just that he would hope not to. To the JC it showed he wasn't really repentent in his heart. UAU they could read hearts. I argued with them about the information in the Org Book about minor children and their answer was "since there was no longer a man in the house they didn't feel I could handle the boy being alone".

    Thereby started my exit from the organization. It was a 10 years fade after having spent 20 yrs being dedicated and submissive to the organization, always "waiting on Jehovah" for my doubts. I wroteo many letter to the society and eventually had my "life time" Bethel cousin tell me to quit writing the Society about this incident because I would be considered no more than a "difficult/obstinant sister".

    Elders had lied about me and my family and I shouldn't defend myself??? I lost complete faith in "mother" . No more "waiting on Jehovah" it was time to to leave slowly and have never been DF'd or DA'd although now I am considered an apostate" (HURRAY) and no longer spoken to by my elder oldest son and his family and other self righteous ones of my so called "friends" and "loving sis/bro".

    Sorry this is soooo long. I left much out and there is a lot more to my experience but this suffices for now to encourage those who are on the borderline or those may be snoops in here that it's time to smell the roses on the outside of the stranglehold of that Organization and their changing "brighter light".

  • chickpea

    back back back in the day when i was merely a lapsed catholic and not an apostate..... i had a button that said " ORDAIN WOMEN, OR STOP BAPTIZING THEM"....

    granted the dubs tell their newly baptized of both genders that they are now ordained ministers..... just one gender is incapable of correctly handling a traffic baton...... but as a large army is inordinately capable of handling the word aright.......

    i think i just threw up a little in my mouth....... must be asshead reflux

  • SnakesInTheTower


    You wonder why they even have first aid

    First Aid is now more of a holding area than anything. I don't think they hand out any meds anymore, and even a bandaid requires a signature...anything more than that and they ask if you want to go to the hospital...on your dime...

    Recent instructions (I think in the Kingdumb Misery, the Society tell the attendees NOT to call 911 if there is an emergency in their section, but to call over their window-washer/attendant, who will run down the stairs to find a window-washer/security brother with a walkee talkee headset, who will radio down to the attendant desk and talk to a window-washer/assistant attendant guy who will then confer with the self important window-washer head attendant guy who will then collectively decide to call 911....just in time to see the paramedics go by their desk running to the section because someone had the cajones to ignore the instruction not to call 911....otherwise, the person would probably be dead...

    ...ok...a bit of hyperbole and tongue-in-cheek satire....and nothing against window-washers, I used to be one..... I can understand 911 operators not wanting 20 cell calls for the same incident... but to rely on the services of the attendants is a joke....only 1 person directly next to the person having the problem, likely a family member or relative, needs to call 911....everyone else can go back to listening to the outstanding spiritual food sleep.

    And to those sisters who have the skills.... yep, even if you were an MD, you would still be subject to a window-washer with barely a high-school diploma....why put your RN license on the line if you don't have the ability to perform within your knowledge.... and there were brothers who I observed while working in auditing that couldn't count the money in their piggybanks if it was to save their some cases, I knew for a certainty that the wife kept the checkbook/finances in their households because the husband was incompetent in shame..not everyone can keep books....but why have them count money for the all important World Wide Work Pedophile Defense Fund instead of his competent wife?

    The society/congregations would often be better off giving the sisters more to'll never happen... besides, do we want the Society better off? LOL

    Snakes ()

  • hamsterbait

    The young men at the Hell have led a life where they have been systematically stripped of both self-esteem, and true manly assertiveness.

    They are prevented from acquiring masculine courage and strength through the usual avenue of sports at school.

    They are made ashamed of their sex urge by the anti-masturbation thing. They are told what they can and cannot do with their own wife.

    They are taught not to rely on their own will and judgement as adults.

    They can barely support their families doing the menial jobs which the Witchtower describes as "humble" (because of course they do not enhance reputation, and are use at BetHell as punishments for the uppity.)

    My GOD! Of course they need somebody they can see as inferior.


  • AudeSapere
    HB wrote: My GOD! Of course they need somebody they can see as inferior.

    Loved your post. And I think it's true.

    I've been asked several times what made me start questioning the org and I've honestly been stumped because I cannot pinpoint a specific instance.

    Then I read threads like this and I start remembering conversations and events that got me started. This is one of those threads.

    In the mid/late 80's I took a trip to NJ and PA to visit family and old JW friends. I spent a few days with a friend and his wife. I had been very close to this friend when we were growing up. We had some great conversations during that visit - I think all of us were pioneering, or maybe I had *just* gone off the list. This friend was again applying for Bethel service along with his wife and were excitedly telling me about their hopes and dreams of Bethel life. I moved the conversation to my own feelings about the use non-use of women in the congregation. Here I was a reasonably intelligent woman, capable of running a busy and growing business. Someone that people trusted and respected both in and out of the org. Yet all I was allowed to do was go door-to-door and give the occaisional talk. I was a whole-souled believer and devoted to Jehovah and his org but had no real outlet to really involve myself as a single woman in any meaningful way.

    I mentioned that even something like working the literature counter seemed like a task that could be delegated to someone like me.

    My friend just laughed and laughed. I was crushed.

    Last I heard he is remarried and serving in Brooklyn Bethel with a new wife. I'm a happy, rested ex-jw with a home that I love and a nice 401k plan and a handful of loving, supportive friends that would never ever make me feel unworthy of participation in any project that I desired.

    Oh! The little things that set me on my way.


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