Why Men Cannot Love

by freydi 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • gymbob

    This is all so freakin' funny! Somebody just doesn't get it....

  • sweetstuff
    didn't say I didn't respect you. Only that you're easier to love for, among other reasons, that you have breasts. And I get in trouble when I start respecting women. It just goes against the natural order of of things. LOL I can't help it. Would you really rather be respected than loved?

    Umm, call me greedy, I want and deserve both. As does any woman. It doesn't go against the natural order of things Freydi, it goes against the brainwashing you are victim to. Sigh, I wish you could see that. Truly, if "God" favored one of the sexes over the other, it is women, not men. We have the ability to experience a child growing inside our bodies, feel its growth, movement. There is nothing closer to divinity than that. Nothing closer to experiencing what god would have experienced in creating the universe. I feel sorry for you that you don't feel you can both respect and love a woman. You are missing out on so much more than you could possibly know.

  • freydi


  • Country_Woman
    SS - QUOTE - "why don't I deserve your respect? Is it because I have breasts?"

    I didn't say I didn't respect you. Only that you're easier to love for, among other reasons, that you have breasts. And I get in trouble when I start respecting women. It just goes against the natural order of of things. LOL I can't help it. Would you really rather be respected than loved?

    that's just bullshit. If you are serious, I feel sorry for you.

  • R.Crusoe

    Re - the devil is in the detail! If I, in response to a thread about love came up with responses alluding to women overcompensating for their post-childbirth vaginas by driving hot motors, I could well understand a woman responding with comments non too complementary as to what counted in a woman. And further, if a man were to jokingly, on a regular basis when amongst other men, draw attention to those females with tighter clams, then again I can see how it could piss women off. In fact it does as I'm sure you're all to well aware! So, far from us having to know each other, my responses were about a general malaise there is amongst women, who for the most part also have young, impressionable sons and perhaps unwittingly pass on the same subliminal messages to the next generation!

  • freydi

    The title of this thread is "Why men cannot love?" And it's because women want to be more like men. IMHO

  • sweetstuff
    The title of this thread is "Why men cannot love?" And it's because women want to be more like men. IMHO

    First of all, men can and do love, its just you who seems to have an issue with it Freydi. Women do not want to be like men, we like being women, thanks! However, women do want to be treated equal and therein lies the problem for you. You can't accept that women now are not willing to be dominated and controlled and are asserting themselves as women, not men, in saying, we deserve equal treatment, equal respect.

    You assume that a woman demanding those rights, is putting on masculine personality traits, which is utterly false. Women have always had minds of their own, but were repressed by dominating patricarchial societies. I don't know any woman alive that wants to be "more like a man". We appreciate our womanhood and we like the differences between a man and woman. However, that's just it, its differences, not superiority/inferiority. That's where you are going wrong with your thinking Freydi. Both sexes compliment EACH OTHER. It's not about who's the boss, who is the helper. Its about partnership and equality.

    I fear you find women who are your equals intimidating. You like women in their "proper place", beneath you. As a "weaker vessel". God, I'd love to have that bible writer in front of me, Paul wasn't it? I'd punch his lights out and then ask him how weak he thought I was! That's not me being man-like, that's me being the woman I am. Women weaker? A "helper"? Have men made such a great job of the world that they should or can boast of how more well suited they are to leadership? That would be a big resounding, "Hell NO"!

    You need to throw out your misconceptions about women Freydi and realize, that we are strong, intelligent, and completely equipped to handle whatever we need to, without saving from the "stronger sex". We want men in our lives, because we love men, we love what's "different" about them, that is not the same as "better than" or "superior to". We are both sides of the same circle, ying and yang.

    Without both sexes, life would not exist. Without a woman, you would not be here. Do you respect your mother for bringing you into this world? Or do you view her, as a woman, to be loved, but not respected? Do I want to be treated like a man? Heck no, I am not one. Do I want to be treated as a human being, as eqaul to anyone else on the planet, regardless of gender? Hell ya.

  • freydi

    You sure are beautiful when you're angry.

  • sweetstuff
    You sure are beautiful when you're angry.

    Wow, that really makes a woman swoon. The most beautiful thing on me Freydi, is my brain. But you would never see that, because you are too busy admiring the wrapping paper to realize something much more beautiful lies within. But then, I am only a woman right? To be loved but not respected.

  • Satanus

    Geez freydi. Don't mess w a wee scottsgirl ;)

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