Christmas Card exchange?

by bem 211 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    Awww shucks mam' now you do go on...well now a card only to the UK is 90 cents all of mine went over the weight limit just a tad so almost all to the UK were $1.08 and to Trinidad, Australia, To Canada again mine went over the limit a little so they were mostly .87 cents.

  • purplesofa


    I just sent cards was ninety cents a card to Australia, UK and West Indies

    It was 69 cents a card to Canada.


  • Purza

    I sent out my cards to the overseas addresses this past Monday (except for the two addresses that came later). I received two in the mail from Austrailia (thanks!). Very cool -- I love this.


  • bem

    I agree Purza very cool indeed, I got a card this morning, more like a gift than a card so sweet. also got one yesterday from the UK very pretty card. My kids and grand daughters are gonna love these.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Just mailed the majority of my cards out. My memory's been sooo "good" these days that I completely forgot to ask about the UK postage at the post office this morning ...

    I'll take care of the UK folks on Monday.

  • Saoirse

    Yesterday, I mailed all the international and the US cards yesterday. I will mail the Canada cards when I get back on Tuesday.

    In case anyone is confused, I have a Canadian return address on the cards but I mailed them from Florida. Nothing weird is going on, I'm just vacationing and had some spare time.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I'm all done now! Sent out the LAST of my JWD Christmas cards this morning. Everyone should get theirs before Christmas ... (knock on wood)

  • Sassy
    Quote by Purplesofa:

    This is nothing personal to anyone.

    I would like to send xmas cards but I dont want to be on a list. Something happened to me after the Trever thing,

    I will exchange cards with people if they want to do it without my name being a part of the list.

    I feel the same way. I understand the list, but am not comfortable being on a list that is passed around. If you know me from posting here and want to exchange a card with me, pm me.. I'd be happy to share my address with people personally but I just dont' want my name on a list I have no control over who is getting it.

    For those who exchanged with me in the past.. ONCE again my address has changed (although it should forward).. but pm me...


    I got 8 cards in the mail yesterday and cried like a baby! Thank you all!

  • noni1974

    NONI I t will come to me dear

    Thank goodness.I was being sneaky and I didn't want you to know I was sending you a card.I'm glad you will get it even though I didn't have your correct address.

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